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Kids Allowed to run riot

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I believe that children commiting a crime should be punished the same as an adult, if there old enough to do the crime there old enough to do the time, theres no wonder they run riot, steel your car vandalise everything, its no wonder when they dont even get a slap on the hand, its about time the law came down heavy on them, wouldnt suprise me if 70% of crime is done by teenagers(not all are bad i may say). check this link out you will be devastated



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if a child commits a crime the parents should be punished as through they had committed the crime themselves


That wouldn’t stop some of the kids, kids know right from wrong, the person committing the crime should be punished regardless of age.

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getting caught drink driving at 9 year old and not blaming the parents is just stupid. When i was 9 I can remember not being allowed out of the view of my house when playing on the front, and being in bed for 8pm. If a child at 9 is behaving this way who is to blame really if not the parents? You could understand (well sort of) if the boy was in his mid teens but at 9 years old. His carers should be keeping him under control.

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That doesn't make any sense, taking medication for schizophrenia is not a punishment, it's a treatment.


So punishing a parent for the behaviour of their child makes sense, but making a parent take medication for the behaviour of their child doen't?


One sounds just about as sensible as the other to me.

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