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Kids Allowed to run riot

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I really feel for you Liza.

We had the same issues at a previous home. Our garden was used as an unofficial public footpath by the local kids and some of their parents too. You feel like a prisoner in your own home, especially in the summer when you'd perhaps like to sit outside and enjoy the sunshine.

It's unbelievable to see just how many people have such disregard for others.

We actually put our house on the market a year after we'd moved in over much the same thing. Our end of the cul de sac was a gathering ground for children aged between 5 and 16, who came on their bikes, skates & with their footballs. At the weekend the noise would begin at about 10 am and carry on all day, but the evenings were the worst. We couldn't have a meal in peace or watch the T.V. until 9.30 pm at the earliest, when they started to go home. They screamed, yelled, played football on our drive & blocked the road with their bikes. We counted up to 11 children at any time running around almost under our front widows. Never once did any parent attempt to stop the children going onto other people's property or get them to keep the noise down.

There is light at the end of the tunnel. The noisiest family, with 3 children moved. The older children in another house moved away to university. New people moving in had no children. We've been here 8 years & are dreading anyone moving away.

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We actually put our house on the market a year after we'd moved in over much the same thing. Our end of the cul de sac was a gathering ground for children aged between 5 and 16, who came on their bikes, skates & with their footballs. At the weekend the noise would begin at about 10 am and carry on all day, but the evenings were the worst. We couldn't have a meal in peace or watch the T.V. until 9.30 pm at the earliest, when they started to go home. They screamed, yelled, played football on our drive & blocked the road with their bikes. We counted up to 11 children at any time running around almost under our front widows. Never once did any parent attempt to stop the children going onto other people's property or get them to keep the noise down.

There is light at the end of the tunnel. The noisiest family, with 3 children moved. The older children in another house moved away to university. New people moving in had no children. We've been here 8 years & are dreading anyone moving away.




How awful Rosey, But it does get that bad here too, another cul-de-sac. I think that is half the problem, they think it's a safe playground not a road.


The worst part is because of their ages one can't really do anything about it. The police won't nor the housing dept and as I don't know who their parents are as most don't even live down this end of the road I'm stumped.


What really annoys me is that they all have very large gardens around here, why aren't these "children" playing in the safety of them? I never let my child run wild like this nor my gran kids. People just don't have the same morals today.

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I remember when I was a kid and living on 'the Cross' we were always being told to move on and play elsewhere.


That was 50 years ago and reading this thread nothing much has changed!


I also live in a cul de sac and I never stop the kids from playing even if it is in front of our house. As long as there's no damage done then I can't see the harm.


Mind you the kids are only playing and don't tend to scream!

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I think a lot of the problems are down to poor parenting.


Kids are being brought up without proper supervision at an early formative age so have no moral compass, manners or consideration for others as they get older. That, and peer pressure, makes them almost impossible to control when they are teenagers.

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if a child commits a crime the parents should be punished as through they had committed the crime themselves


So basically you completely undermine the complexity of what influences social degradation among children.


Run along.

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I remember when I was a kid and living on 'the Cross' we were always being told to move on and play elsewhere.


That was 50 years ago and reading this thread nothing much has changed!


I also live in a cul de sac and I never stop the kids from playing even if it is in front of our house. As long as there's no damage done then I can't see the harm.


Mind you the kids are only playing and don't tend to scream!



If they were not wrecking peoples gardens (even pulling coping stones off the wall across from me) and leaving rubbish all over, plus the noise, then I wouldn't have a problem either.

Having not been brought up on an estate as you were maybe that's why I can't understand it. I was brought up to respect other people and where we lived.

Sheffield has plenty of parks and open spaces for kids to run and scream .They shouldn't be playing in the road and on peoples drives, guess we'll all have to feel sorry for the parents when one off their kids get knocked over too.

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