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How do I get a nice pert glutimus maximus?

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I have quite a flat buttocks and even though my female companion seems to like molesting me, i wouldnt mind having a bit more muscle there, just so that i could flex it in the mirror and admire myslef, whilst pretending to be mr universe. I have come up with the theory that my lack of a glutimus maximus could be down to the way i walk because i dont use my buttocks muscles when i walk and i have noticed that women seem to clench theirs as they walk. Are you ladies doing this as a form of exercise or to try and look sexy? :suspect: Anyroad, i'd like some advice in how to tone up my (lack of) glutes.

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Having a flat bum is partly genetic (it's a family thing in my family too) but it could also be to do with lack of exercise of the gluteals.


There are specific exercises that can tighten up the gluteals. The machine in the gym which specifically targets the glutes involves moving a weight backwards with your thighs, so anything which replicated that would also target them.


Leg pressing against resistance also involves the gluteals as well as quadriceps, hamstrings and calf muscles.


If you didn't want to join a gym then you could wear ankle weights and practice lifting your leg out behind you, moving from the hip rather than flexing at the knee. That should engage the gluteals. The same exercise made more challenging would be to lie on your front and lift your leg up behind you from the hip.

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It's not all in the genes at all. In the jeans maybe (fnar fnar fnar).

The best way to tone up and build the glutes is power walking uphill. Carrying weight in a backpack will help. The key is your form in carrying out the exercise, make sure you take full strides and stand firmly upright as you move. Swinging arms and twisting your torso all help. As you near the end of one stride, just push that bit further with your toes whilst simultaneously "clenching" your bum cheek on that side. You WILL feel it before long if you're doing it right.


Note: Proper power walking makes you look silly. Indoor treadmills or lack of sense of dignity help.


EDIT: Or, you could lay face down on an exercise bench (ankle weights help here) and raise each leg behind you one at a time, keeping them straight and using your glutes to lift it. I don't like this exercise as it is easy to lose motivation quickly. Squats are okay but they don't take your legs that full arc, that gives you the extra "pinch" when you clench.

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I have quite a flat buttocks and even though my female companion seems to like molesting me, i wouldnt mind having a bit more muscle there, just so that i could flex it in the mirror and admire myslef, whilst pretending to be mr universe. I have come up with the theory that my lack of a glutimus maximus could be down to the way i walk because i dont use my buttocks muscles when i walk and i have noticed that women seem to clench theirs as they walk. Are you ladies doing this as a form of exercise or to try and look sexy? :suspect: Anyroad, i'd like some advice in how to tone up my (lack of) glutes.


Most men have flat buttocks its quite normal :)

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