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White Gold problem

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At least you're getting somewhere :)


i don't think so. we had a very positive conversation with the manager of the meadowhall branch the other day. he even said that his wedding ring was white gold and had worn it for over 3 years having never taken it off and its still white. it hasn't changed colour at all. he said he would speak with customer services first and call us on monday morning with an update. i eventually called him at 4pm to ask what was going on and he just told us its our fault the coating is wearing off. when i asked him out right if he thought 2 months was an acceptable length of time for a white gold ring to be going yellow he refused to comment.


we're not hopeful for anything other then the rubbish we have been fed so far.

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You are completely in the right, but getting them to admit it will be the bit you need to keep going at!


Were you given any advice at all when you bought the ring, as to it's required maintainance to avoid it going yellow? Because for them to say you have caused it to go yellow after a mere 2 months is ridiculous. If they are now seemingly saying that you should expect it to go yellow, then why weren't you offered any preventative advice at the time of purchase?


I'd be inclined to contact Trading Standards, and also find out the name of the CEO of the store in question. Couple that with few phone calls to other jewellers simply enquiring as to whether white gold needs any kind of maintainance.


Speak to Trading Standards first, and then write a letter to the CEO. Where possible, quote that you have spoken to X person at Sheffield Trading Standards and they informed you of your rights under the Sale of Goods Act etc..


I did this once with a carpet supplier - he put up hurdle after hurdle, but as soon as I quoted a real persons name at Trading Standards, and that I had undertaken impartial advice from other retailers (ie/ I didn't make them aware of the reason for my phone call queries, so that I didn't sway their answer) my refund was in the post.


Keep going with this one - have you considered contacting the Star? (assuming you don't mind going public) They used to have an 'Action Page' - 9 times out of 10 the mere threat of adverse publicity for a retailer from the local rag saw the problem rectified quite swiftly.

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i have today spoken with leslie davies and they have agreed on principle to exchange the ring for a yellow gold alternative if we are buying the wedding band to go with it. they say its only as a good will gesture and they do not accept the ring is faulty.


im yet to speak with the manager of the branch but it looks as though things are getting sorted finally.

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all sorted now. leslie davies have exchanged the white gold ring for a yellow gold one, so we are both happy. leslie davies did stipulate they would only do it if we bought the wedding band to go with it though. i was tempted to argue the toss but we had already decided to buy the bands from them anyway as they give a 10% discount if you bought the engagement ring form them.


all in all we got exactly what we wanted after pushing for our rights.

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