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Are we responsible for our own circumstances?

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I can see exceptions but, in general, we are a product of what we are will to do for ourselves.

You'll notice it's always the lazy and stupid that blame others for their own mis-fortune or impecunious circumstance.

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In answer to the topic title I say


Sometimes and partially.


We don't live in vacuums (not even fancy Dyson Cyclone ones). We are affected by many things that we have no control over as individuals or sometimes even collectively.

On the other hand, we do determine how we respond to events and steer a course through them, so partially responsible, most of the time.

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It matters a great deal when viewed in relation to your original statement. That you can't offer anything substantial other than the completely off field, completely unusual example below simply shows you're wrong for the vast majority of people.




OK, if what you want from life is to mass murder people and lead a life of criminality, then yes, other people won't allow you to do that, though I'm pretty sure the thread isn't about allowing mass murderers to go about their business unimpeded.


You seem to be grasping at straws.


Ok, I'll put this is simple terms so even you can understand. If you ran a small bakery and I ran a supermarket, I would either try and make you dependant on me by giving you custom which you could hardly afford (Think of the well known scenario of supermarkets ripping off dairy farmers) or I would try and close down your crummy little shop. Whichever path you chose it would not be good for you.

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Only if you allow them, which says more about you than them.

Not really. Take work for example.


Assuming that it's someone who does work for a start.

Either they are employed, and if their employee goes under they will be out of a job. They have only a small amount of influence on that, there's several large groups who determine whether it will happen.

Or if they are self employed they can be affected by the economy, something that pretty much no one has any control over.




I have everything I could possibly want, but then, I'm prepared to work for it rather than complain that there's some conspiracy holding me back.

Hard work is no guarantee of success. It makes it more likely, but you could be hit by a runaway bus later today. You can't affect the behaviour of the (potential) bus driver. Hence you aren't responsible for being crippled or dead after it happens.

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I can see exceptions but, in general, we are a product of what we are will to do for ourselves.

You'll notice it's always the lazy and stupid that blame others for their own mis-fortune or impecunious circumstance.




So the next time we see starving people dying we can sit back and tell them "It's your own fault" that will keep your comscience clean won't it? And all those people living in slums, in squalor? It's your own fault you were born poor and never had an opportunity to get an education!


Its always the lazy and stupid is it?


David Cameron for example? The cuts aren't our fault, blame Labour?


We are products of what we do for ourself? So being born into an inner city is your own fault? Being born to a minority, or disabled is your own fault? Being sent to a failing inner city school is your own fault?


'Thatcherism' is what that is called "<obscenity> you, I'm all right!", and it is one of the things that makes me ashamed to be a member of the same community as the people who believe that.

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Ok, I'll put this is simple terms so even you can understand. If you ran a small bakery and I ran a supermarket, I would either try and make you dependant on me by giving you custom which you could hardly afford (Think of the well known scenario of supermarkets ripping off dairy farmers) or I would try and close down your crummy little shop. Whichever path you chose it would not be good for you.


Au contraire my little green faced munchkin.


The invitation to treat on price terms (for your chosen hyper retailer has nothing else to compete on) would be a blessing since it would provide an instant and free point of difference to which the savvy business would rise.


In fact it could allow a move away from small profits for barely adequate products to artisnal craft breads with handsome profits that the average dumb superstore customer like yourself wouldn't touch with a bargepole in case the bits got stuck between your dentures.


So on the one hand the clever independent baker gets to make more profit and have a real pride in their product, has more loyal customers and to his eternal joy wouldn't have to look at your miserable mush across the counter... or through the windows of his gleaming new Mercedes as he glides past you struggling with your bags of shopping at the megastore bus stop.

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My train was just delayed in Nottingham making me miss my connection meaning I get to the office 15 minutes later than planned.

How did I make my train late? It wasn't me that scheduled a freight train to be running on the same line and getting in the way!

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Only if you allow them, which says more about you than them.

I have everything I could possibly want, but then, I'm prepared to work for it rather than complain that there's some conspiracy holding me back.


Spare a thought for the thousands of families in this country who are living on the poverty line, many of whom have had their property repossessed through one reason or another that is very often no fault of their own.


How noble of you to actually WORK for the things you want - in the same way that polititians and bankers do no doubt.


Lets hope that the coming storm doesn't affect you too much - good luck.

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Ok, I'll put this is simple terms so even you can understand.


I'm not the one grasping at straws.


If you ran a small bakery and I ran a supermarket, I would either try and make you dependant on me by giving you custom which you could hardly afford (Think of the well known scenario of supermarkets ripping off dairy farmers) or I would try and close down your crummy little shop. Whichever path you chose it would not be good for you.


Whichever you choose, it's your choice. No-one is holding a gun to your head either way.


I could choose neither, which (good or bad) is my choice, thus life *is* what you make of it.


Thanks for proving my point for me ;)

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