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Bully Boy,s Shock

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Around about the late 50s as a young teenage Tup I decided to join the Hillsborough Boys Club,I had heard it was good for sport and hobbies ect.I enrolled and met Cpt. Royal who made me feel at home,it was a pity a certain few members had other ideas,for no sooner had I sat down in the snack bar a gang of 4 or 5 started in on me.I didn,t know anyone in the club at all so I had to fend for myself,up to this point in my life I,d been in all sorts of trouble and I was trying to keep my nose clean!.I tried ignoring them but they took this as a weakness,I moved to a different room,woodwork,they followed,I tried another,Metalwork same again,showing me up everwhere.One in particular was the ringleader every time he insulted me the rest laughed like jackasses.This continued for a couple of weeks until the only activity left to escape them was the gym,they all followed.It was boxing training night so I joined in skipping,punch bag ect.The ringleader was talking to the trainer who called me over[He says you want to do a few rounds,so in you go!].I let it all out,laid into him knocking him down over and over,I gave him a real beating,the look on his face was a treat.In the end the trainer stopped it and told me off for overdoing it.The next time I was in the snack bar it was [Hey up --- come and sit with us]to which I gave them the finger,I was not bothered by anyone again,justice done!:roll::hihi::hihi:

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My old dad said in a gang, always take out the Sheperd, and the sheep that follow him will disperse. Any fat bullies forget the face, punch em straight in the guts and down the'll go, well that was the 50s, not today Im afraid too many knives on the street.

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