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In This Age of "Equality" Why aren't Thick People Paid The Same?

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We are not allowed to discriminate, against race, colour, age, sex, sexuality, or disability, but every time I have applied for a job as a brain surgeon I have been discriminated against, they always discriminated against intelligence and in my opinion a lack of intelligence is a disability.:huh:


In every company/business I've every worked for and businesses my friends have worked for, it's generally thought that the people who gain promotion are total idiots and gaining promotion has little to do with qualifications, skills and experience. This is not sour grapes, jealousy or anything like that. I talked over such matters with numerous people and it's thought that if you're good at your job you don't usually get promoted because that's, "What you do." You make other people (your manager) look good and therefore they are reluctant to lose your skills/work ethic through either dismissal, redundancy or promotion.


The world is full of people trying to make a name for themselves on the back of other peoples' hard work; though this is often an uncomfortable issue for people to accept and they don't like to talk about it. By contrast, managers do not want to keep the herberts because they are of little value and are rarely used as a tool to further their own careers.


You mentioned the fact that we are not allowed to discriminate in the workplace. This is debunked because most employers are keen to be seen as equal opportunity employers and have developed policies around equality. Such policies are devisive and are, by their very nature, unequal. How can a policy in favour of say, gender, race, sexuality or whatever be equal to everyone, especially when it's just to fufil some stupid government quota? The best qualified person with relevant experience should get the job regardless of if they are a gay, purple and orange striped, transgender person or whoever.

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In every company/business I've every worked for and businesses my friends have worked for, it's generally thought that the people who gain promotion are total idiots and gaining promotion has little to do with qualifications, skills and experience.


In a good company, people who show signs of good management skills will be promoted, but will still be expected to be at least competent at the job they originally did, so that they can relate to the people below them.


In a badly-run company, the worst workers get moved upwards into management so that the average quality of the workers goes up. :hihi:

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It's the pyramid. Simple as.


There are loads of people at the bottom of the pyramid (wide base) who can do those jobs. = low pay (because there are so many people who can and will do it).


There are far fewer people at the top of the pyramid (tiny point) who can do these jobs. = high pay (because there are so few people who can and will do it).


But it ain't what you know.

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But it ain't what you know.


I was speaking generally. There aren't many 'thick' brain surgeons (ie with no GCSEs), whereas there aren't so many minimum wage people with masters or phd degrees. Speaking generally, as I said.


It often is 'what you know' that gets you promoted/eligible for that coveted job. Sadly, perhaps, for those who don't 'know'.

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In every company/business I've every worked for and businesses my friends have worked for, it's generally thought that the people who gain promotion are total idiots and gaining promotion has little to do with qualifications, skills and experience.



In a badly-run company, the worst workers get moved upwards into management so that the average quality of the workers goes up. :hihi:


From my experience, I agree with both.

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I was speaking generally. There aren't many 'thick' brain surgeons (ie with no GCSEs), whereas there aren't so many minimum wage people with masters or phd degrees. Speaking generally, as I said.


It often is 'what you know' that gets you promoted/eligible for that coveted job. Sadly, perhaps, for those who don't 'know'.


That all depends on what business you are in. I've seen a valeter become a service manager in a matter of months with no training, simply because no-one else wanted the job.

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What on earth makes you think we live in an age of equality?

Social mobility is at an all time low, In life expectancy, disparity between the classes is at an all time high and the odds on a working class kid attending a state school going on to become a high court judge or a barrister are as long now as at any time since the war.

Blairs meritocracy was a croc. A soundbite from a Labour Prime Minister who bought his son a 1/4 million pound flat in the uni town of his choice. Then bought another one in the same block for an investment, thereby helping to drive up the prices and stuff the poorer oiks looking to rent. It's a game man, it's a game!

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If you believe in "equality" do you think that thick people should be paid the same as the intelligent?


I'm not talking about the lazy or feckless, but if someone is a willing student and has tried their best, but failed, why should they be paid less?


A road sweeper may be born less intelligent than a Dr, but it's not their fault. so they should be paid the same?


Why should someone who's brain is less able than someone's which is, be paid less?


If someone's legs don't work as well as someone elses it wouldn't effect their pay, and it'd probably be illegal to pay them different salaries?


I would be particularly interested in well qualified, well paid, equality gurus opinions...:D


When I am recruiting I always go for the candidates that have just had a knock back. They are down but not out, and will take a lower rate of pay just to net the job and feal better about themselves.

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When I am recruiting I always go for the candidates that have just had a knock back. They are down but not out, and will take a lower rate of pay just to net the job and feal better about themselves.


Here we go...:hihi:


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