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When was Ranmoor built?

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Does any one have any idea when the three big houses between the Bull's Head pub and the traffic lights on Fulwood road may have been built or anything else about them? A friend went to look at a flat in one and they are interesting. The victorians copied all the older styles so it is hard to date buildings from architecture alone!


Thank you very much every one! I didn't expect any replies let alone all these realy helpfull ones, ta.

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Does any one have any idea when the three big houses between the Bull's Head pub and the traffic lights on Fulwood road may have been built or anything else about them? A friend went to look at a flat in one and they are interesting. The victorians copied all the older styles so it is hard to date buildings from architecture alone!


Check the Kellys Directory to see when they are first listed.

Sheffield Local Studies will be able to help yo with the Directories and maps.

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The area was originally Rand Moor until the late 1800s. The road west of those lights only appeared towards the end of the 1800s, probably about the same time as the buildings you are asking about. Before that, the road to Fulwood dropped down the hill at that point to Hangingwater and then back up to Nethergreen. Might have had something to do with the Tram route to Fulwood but I'm not up on those dates.

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I lived in the terrace houses on Graham Road in the 50's. Opposite was a big house with turrets-it was approached down a long drive opposite the Bulls Head. The Snow's lived there at the time, I think the family business was an engineering company. Their son, John, was my age and I often wonder what happened to him. I think they moved to Derbyshire somewhere. Mrs Snow used to hold dance lessons on Saturday mornings in what I seem to remember was a huge basement studio.

The grounds were extensive, the road opposite our house was just a small part of their garden before development in the early 60's. Two gardeners were employed full time just to maintain the grounds.

In fact, as I write this, I can recall numerous injuries (and visits to the Children's Hospital) sustained in their garden. They had a couple of retriever spaniels used for shooting which were kept in kennels in the garden. I still have the scar from climbing over a wire fence into the kennels.

It was a brilliant place-happy memories.

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Does any one have any idea when the three big houses between the Bull's Head pub and the traffic lights on Fulwood road may have been built or anything else about them? A friend went to look at a flat in one and they are interesting. The victorians copied all the older styles so it is hard to date buildings from architecture alone!


Thank you very much every one! I didn't expect any replies let alone all these realy helpfull ones, ta.


Not as specific as ianparkin's post above, but the 1855 OS map appears to show the Bull's Head, but clearly does not show the 3 houses. By the map of 1894, all 3 houses are shown.

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I used to live in Ranmoor in the 1970s and often accompanied my mum to the shops.


I recall the two butcher's shops, Harrison's (now Wok This Way) and the other one further along. There was the post office and the newsagent. There was the supermarket which became the magnificent Toy Fayre (now Ranmoor Tandoori), the chemist's and Grainger's beer-off (which I recall used to sell lovely ice cream in the back room).


Then there was the deli (West 10), the aforementioned butcher's, Bell's fruit shop, a Midland Bank and the barber's. Then there was the old cobblers at the very end.


Yes I know, this has little to do with the OP but it's nice to walk down Memory Lane every now and then!

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There used to be a noticeboard (probably on the side of the pharmacist, next to the Ranmoor Tandoori). This was a few years ago, so it might not still be there, but there used to be a leaflet from a a society concerned with the History of Ranmoor. I can't remember the name, but if anyone knows it then it might be worth mentioning it in case anyone is interested in finding out more.

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There used to be a noticeboard (probably on the side of the pharmacist, next to the Ranmoor Tandoori). This was a few years ago, so it might not still be there, but there used to be a leaflet from a a society concerned with the History of Ranmoor. I can't remember the name, but if anyone knows it then it might be worth mentioning it in case anyone is interested in finding out more.


I think you'll find that's Ramoori Tandoori!

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