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Overseas aid, can we afford it?

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It's not unusual for a country that's just received some "overseas aid" to purchase something from our country. I remember a few years back an African country received some "overseas aid" and shortly after if ordered an expensive air traffic control system from British companies.


Make of that what you want.


I find the expression " palm greasing " so uncouth, don't you ?

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Well they're not all smack rats. India for example has many people at the extremes of poverty but also some mega wealthy. Rather than just donating aid to help their poor, we should be showing them how to redistribute their wealth and how to build a welfare system so that they become less relaint on aid in teh future. It's one of the world's fastest growing economies fgs, they don't need aid, just a bit of mentoring in how to manage their wealth.


I wasnt saying that the aid our governement gives goes to smack rats.

I was just giving a scenario where by you or i would go to the bank, take out a massve lone then give it all away to a lost cause.

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To which they would reply "but we are just copying your system".


the majority of people in india would gladly have the uk's wealth divide. saying that one is acceptable just because another is a tiny bit similar is like saying nuclear weapons are ok because some people have spud guns!


abject poverty is not acceptable in any circumstances in a world of plenty no matter what you compare it too.

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Yes we can afford it. As mentioned above it's partly political but it also makes a difference to some very very poor people. The people who moan about aid often seem to be the same ones who don't work and complain about being skint because of all the immigrants, while sat in front of their nice plasma TV.


Millions of people have nothing, not even a roof over their heads and the ones that did may have lost it during one of the many natural disasters. People over here whine and moan about being destitute when they can't afford 20 Lambert & Butler!

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Haha i was just gonna say that lol

Must be lovely living in that black and white right wing world


So you don't think they should be looking to improve their own welfare systems to help their own poor with all the wealth being created by one of the world's fastest growing economies?


I'd have thought welfare for the poor would have been right up the street for a lefty, just the ticket.


That's not to say they have to implement a UK system verbatim, if that's what you think perhaps you need to see things a little less black and white.

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Can we afford overseas aid, or can we afford not to give overseas aid. Is it given to countries as a bribe in order that they tow the line.


of coarse we can


we carry on printing money


the interests keeps piling up


we always had national debt!


if we did not have national debt how would the poor international bankers cloth and feed them selves!

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i would end all overseas aid.....and use it to make life easier for those living in this country...we need it more than them...i mean you seen the price of a pint and the cost of watching the football....i say free skysports for everyone...better than wasting it on those in the world who don't need it....africa just had football world cup and india had the cricket...they are minted...

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Can we afford overseas aid, or can we afford not to give overseas aid. Is it given to countries as a bribe in order that they tow the line.


not exactly tow the line its more about keeping corrupt governments on side in illegal wars of the American empire which couldn't be continued without the help of those countries. These countries don't actually need aid if they were allowef genuine governments they could be self sufficent but America doesn't want that it wants puppet governments who serve its interests instead of their own peoples and sell their people out for the $

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What would it be spent on then? Its not what we spend it on its why do we give aid to countries that are inept. Why do we care and what good do these countries give back to the world.
Like Pakistan home to more terrorist organisations and training camps including Taliban.

We've given Pakistan £650million this year only for them to harbour and train yet more terrorists.

Militant Muslims travell to Pakistan to train in anti west terrorism like 27/7.

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