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Overseas aid, can we afford it?

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.... India for example has many people at the extremes of poverty but also some mega wealthy. Rather than just donating aid to help their poor, we should be showing them how to redistribute their wealth and how to build a welfare system so that they become less relaint on aid in teh future. It's one of the world's fastest growing economies fgs, they don't need aid, just a bit of mentoring in how to manage their wealth.


I say stop all aid unless its humanitarian aid, India is in the process of developing nuclear capability both for defence and power. Pakistan well they've shown their true colours recently, I think its somewhere over 625million per year not including the recent extra Cams' promised for education, if Pakistan & India can afford a nuclear weapon system then they can afford to feed their own people. The money were spending/borrowing abroad when the country is such financial dire need is absolutely stupid. While i'm on a rant same goes for Europe, not only is it costing us more to be members per year were now lumbered with bailing out everyone else whose economy is collapsing.

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I say stop all aid unless its humanitarian aid, India is in the process of developing nuclear capability both for defence and power. Pakistan well they've shown their true colours recently, I think its somewhere over 625million per year not including the recent extra Cams' promised for education, if Pakistan & India can afford a nuclear weapon system then they can afford to feed their own people. The money were spending/borrowing abroad when the country is such financial dire need is absolutely stupid. While i'm on a rant same goes for Europe, not only is it costing us more to be members per year were now lumbered with bailing out everyone else whose economy is collapsing.
Regarding India where there are more £Billionares than in the UK and pakistan which is actualy a wealthy country it is crimnal that we should be giving aid in preference to our own needy.

Let overseas aid be by voluntary contribution and see how much they get.

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Guest sibon
They could be funded from the surplus provided if overseas aid was stopped or are you telling me that you agree with giving pakistan £650million when most of the muslim terrorists are trained there including curent main bases for the Taliban.


Are we going to stop funding projects in Leeds too?


Just in case, like.

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If we cut overseas aid it doesn't automatically follow that the government would spend more on say Health and Defence - or anything else for that matter - or reduce taxation.


It doesn't automatically follow but we do have more money and options if they do cut it.


Foreign aid or less cuts for services for the old and disabled?

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Guest sibon
It doesn't automatically follow but we do have more money and options if they do cut it.


Foreign aid or less cuts for services for the old and disabled?


We could dump Trident and have an extra £20bn to spend on useful stuff. Like foreign aid and services for the old and disabled.

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It doesn't automatically follow but we do have more money and options if they do cut it.


Foreign aid or less cuts for services for the old and disabled?


What about foreign aid and less emotive claptrap?

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Can we afford overseas aid, or can we afford not to give overseas aid. Is it given to countries as a bribe in order that they tow the line.


no we need B52's

an additional 10 airbourne divisions

1000 tanks

and some black ops slush funds.

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It doesn't automatically follow but we do have more money and options if they do cut it.


Foreign aid or less cuts for services for the old and disabled?


What about foreign aid and less emotive claptrap?


Help for the aged and sick here is emotive claptrap while foreign aid isn't?


We are giving aid to at least one Nation that is a nuclear power and has its own space program !

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Help for the aged and sick here is emotive claptrap while foreign aid isn't?


No, your post is full of emotive claptrap. Maybe you should have chosen, foreign aid or cute puppies?


We are giving aid to at least one Nation that is a nuclear power and has its own space program !


Read this thread, I've given my opinion as to why we give countries foreign aid? Do you really believe it's actually aid? I cannot believe that your so naive for one second!


It sucks that us humans are so corruptible, but while we are we have to play the game or our country suffers.

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