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Where do you stand on this?

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'Kids' are an undifferentiated dung heap of pent up aggression, uncontrolled violence and unthinking physicality. The world would be a better place without them. one shot one kill etc.


Especially these council flat slags.


I wouldn't go that far but the rough edge of a tongue when they step out of line doesn't do any harm.

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These kids sound like they're council flat slags with chav parents, assuming that they have both parents. Their bevhaviour towards the elderly couple was cowardly and despicable. If their stupid parents didn't teach them any manners or respect then at least they got a shock lesson.

There are too many people today who just cannot leave other people alone and mind their own business


Oh, they just sound like silly adolescent boys too me, but maybe I don't assume the very worst in people or want to stereotype them until it is proven.

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Oh, they just sound like silly adolescent boys too me, but maybe I don't assume the very worst in people or want to stereotype them until it is proven.


Why flick paper balls at old people? Did the oldies find that funny? I'm sure not More than likely they worked steadily all their lives and paid their taxes now living on a meagre pension They dont deserve to be made objects of idle amusement by a bunch of bored chav kids.

Seems like Sheffield needs to provide some program of recreational sports for kids like that to channel their energy into

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Why flick paper balls at old people? Did the oldies find that funny? I'm sure not More than likely they worked steadily all their lives and paid their taxes now living on a meagre pension They dont deserve to be made objects of idle amusement by a bunch of bored chav kids.

Seems like Sheffield needs to provide some program of recreational sports for kids like that to channel their energy into


I agree with you on all counts just not so sure about the chav statement...its all to easy to label people without knowing thats all I'm saying.

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I agree with you on all counts just not so sure about the chav statement...its all to easy to label people without knowing thats all I'm saying.


A kid's social behaviour is always a credit or a reflection on how they were brought up.

All kids get into high jinks occasionally but offensive behaviour to other people just doesn't cut it with me

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Seems like Sheffield needs to provide some program of recreational sports for kids like that to channel their energy into


They do, there are hundreds of sports/activities available in this city. I agree that kids should get into sport as a healthy outlet. I just think that they (kids) don't get encouraged enough. It's far easier to let them play Call Of Duty in their bedrooms and hang around on the streets getting up to all kinds of things. .

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Hello, I'd be grateful for your opinions/views on the following. . .


I was on the tram to Meadowhall on Saturday morning, it was around 10am, and there were 3 lads in their early teens sat on the opposing seats, and behind them an elderly couple.


Now one of the boys began to tear up his ticket, roll the pieces into small balls and flick them at the elderly couple (although I was not aware of this at the time). He did this a few times before a man, who was sitting near the elderly couple, began to shout at them and no sooner did he start shouting he was up with his fist raised to the boy threatening to punch him, the boy looked terrified.


It was at this point I intervened. The man explained what the boys had been doing and I agreed that it wasn't right, but you can't go around hitting kids (I had my 10 year nephew and my 8 year old son with me who were visibly scared) I said he should have asked them to stop first and not instantly resorted to threats of violence. Reaction amongst other passengers was mixed. Mutterings of 'he should have just hit him' alongside people shaking their head at him.


I was then surprised at the elderly couple, who began to tell me to mind my own business. I said I understand that the boys were out of line but, blowing up and threatening to smash their faces in was not the right reaction and that they should have asked them to stop first.


It was at this point I had to leave the tram to the chorus of the man and the couple telling me to 'get lost' and mind my own business.


I was perplexed at how they (the man, the couple and some passengers) were so inclined to resort to violence before any other means especially as these were children.


That bloke who had a go at the kids was a meat head. Probably got no friends and a tiny willy too.

As the the old ones, well pensioners can be arsholes too.

You did the right thing, id have probably done the same.

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Some kids have no respect fot the elderly, you should've reported the incident to the staff on the Tram, and they would've ejected the kids at the next stop and/or called the coppers.


For throwing bus tickets?

Dont think so fella.

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Flicking bits of paper, actually. Well worth a punch. Again, stupid idea,


We used to flick bits of paper on the bus as kids.

It was some time ago, and it was a lot of fun.

We however used to used a whole ticket, chew it for 5 mins then throw it.

Twas called a 'modgy' and i was quite a good shot.

Ahhhhh, them were the days:D

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