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Where do you stand on this?

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There are roughly 3million 10-14yo's in the UK and about 3.5million 15-19y.o's.

How many of them will act pretty much like everybody else did when they were that age?

How many of them are realistically carrying a knife or a weapon?


There is a ridiculous culture of fear in the UK these days, all we hear about is, "mr x got stabbed by chav y"

we don't hear about the billions of interactions between the public and juveniles everyday which don't result in bodily harm etc. It's about time people started speaking up rather sitting there out of a fear, and it's not a fear about being stabbed, or beaten up, that's a nice easy scapegoat, served up daily by the newspapers etc. It's a fear of "causing a scene" by standing up for what you believe in, a fear of what other people might think if you do stand up and confront ill behaviour.

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Hello, I'd be grateful for your opinions/views on the following. . .


I was on the tram to Meadowhall on Saturday morning, it was around 10am, and there were 3 lads in their early teens sat on the opposing seats, and behind them an elderly couple.


Now one of the boys began to tear up his ticket, roll the pieces into small balls and flick them at the elderly couple (although I was not aware of this at the time). He did this a few times before a man, who was sitting near the elderly couple, began to shout at them and no sooner did he start shouting he was up with his fist raised to the boy threatening to punch him, the boy looked terrified.


It was at this point I intervened. The man explained what the boys had been doing and I agreed that it wasn't right, but you can't go around hitting kids (I had my 10 year nephew and my 8 year old son with me who were visibly scared) I said he should have asked them to stop first and not instantly resorted to threats of violence. Reaction amongst other passengers was mixed. Mutterings of 'he should have just hit him' alongside people shaking their head at him.


I was then surprised at the elderly couple, who began to tell me to mind my own business. I said I understand that the boys were out of line but, blowing up and threatening to smash their faces in was not the right reaction and that they should have asked them to stop first.


It was at this point I had to leave the tram to the chorus of the man and the couple telling me to 'get lost' and mind my own business.


I was perplexed at how they (the man, the couple and some passengers) were so inclined to resort to violence before any other means especially as these were children.


You taught the children a valuable lesson,

They now know that if they are coursing trouble in public and someone stands up to them to make them stop, there will be someone there to defend them.

What would you have done if you asked them politely to stop aggravating to two old people and they told you to sod off?

Well done the man not many people these days will intervene.

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I saw this incident on the tram - I waited till the children's assailant got off the tram and followed him. I knew it was my duty, as a man, like, to make sure he knew not to beat up kids, so i whacked him. knocked him clean out. funny thing is, someone saw me whack him, followed me down the street and then I got knocked out. i wonder if anyone knocked them out?

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No one actually got hit. Which thread are you reading?


this one. He threatened to hit them. I was using humour to make a point. Which thread are you reading? Ahhhh all of them, in your humourless world they all blend in together.

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Neither does a grown man beating up 12 year old boys.


When did the OP say they were 12...mid teens, could be a lot older..


It was just one of the boys. And these were small pieces of torn up tram ticket, hardly bricks. Let's not forget the facts.


The fact no attempt was made to speak to the boy(s) and the first resort of the man was violence with the ensuing reaction of the couple and some passengers was condoning made me wonder if we now have demonised youths so much that we forget reason ourselves as adults.


People may have done things differently, some people who raise their voices or take a position such as clenched fists will look very intimidating, but the fact is he did not actually hit them. Personally more people should have got involved in confronting these teens. It doesn't matter what’s being thrown 'bits of paper' & 'bricks' intimidation is intimidation. The elderly couple must have been petrified and these teens got a taste of their medicine.

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