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Where do you stand on this?

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You taught the children a valuable lesson,

They now know that if they are coursing trouble in public and someone stands up to them to make them stop, there will be someone there to defend them.

What would you have done if you asked them politely to stop aggravating to two old people and they told you to sod off?

Well done the man not many people these days will intervene.


I'd have notified the conductor to their disruptive behaviour.

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This is true...I mean, stuff like this does change with time and customs become outdated....but the general principles by which kids should be taught by, principles that underline respect, should be a constant....


Yay, I win! My post was a 2000 year old quote. Every generation thinks that 'kids these days' have gone wild, something about growing old, I would imagine.

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Why is it people keep having a go at the bloke,ok he may have gone a bit ott,all we have the the op interpritation of events,but i would have done the same as in said something to the kids......

Doesn't matter how it's rapped up by people the kids were out of order,ok no one hurt and only paper,but why would you do that if not to intimidate,wind people up etc etc.......

This is where things start that lead onto violence and bullying, it is no longer respect towards others and thats why the worlds gone mad.....

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I agree that the man was right to punch the children in the head. It is what I would have done. Maybe followed up with an elbow or palm heel strike.


Is this like Chinese whispers, by the end of this topic the man will have cut of their heads.:D

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This is why the country is in such a state, people like you with softly softly attitude. Have you not realised that this attitude does not work or don't you read the news papers


Yeah the country is in this mess because we have too many people like dan, Telling them not to is not going work, if they had a good bashing they will never do it again

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If I understand the OP correctly, the situation went straight from everybody (intentionally or genuinely) not noticing anything to a threat of physical violence from an adult towards the boys. And as always, the crowd falls in with the bully. QED. Well done to the OP for attempting to defuse the situation.


Children need to be TOLD to stop when they are misbehaving. If adults acted like adults and stopped nursing this ridiculous fear of young people, most problems could be nipped in the bud.

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