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Ireland welcome the Queen

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Can't you recognise what a momentous moment in history this visit is.

The Queen laying a wreath at the Garden of Remembrance for Irishmen who fought against the Crown and the playing of the National Anthem there whilst the Irish army presented arms. Remember she had a relative killed by the IRA and so it must have taken great forgiveness on all sides for past conflicts.

Did you notice how the Queen wore green when meeting the Irish Prime Minister and that there was no bowing or curtseing , they met as equals.


Haven't good relations been reestablished between Britain and Germany?

What's the big deal on the above mentioned ceremony. How often is it that yesterday's enemies are todays friends? The emperor of Japan paid a state visit to England a few years back and was driven in a state coach through London. A few surviving old soldiers from WW2 weren't too happy though I heard..

Anyway when it comes to forgiveness this is definitely a one sided argument.

Ireland for centuries was England's holocaust

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