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Labrynthitis sufferer in need of advise!

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can anyone tell me what to expect from an ENT appointment?? i`v had balance problems for 13 months and finally been re-referred to a balance specialist, can any one tell me what they are likely to do to me, will they make my dizziness worse initially, I guess i just want to be fore warned if i need some one to go with me!!:huh::confused:

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I was diagnosed with it when I was 15. He had a good look in my ear with a scope and then prescribed me with Stemtil 5mg, upped to 20mg daily intake and then weaned off in 5mg stages per 7 days to lessen the withdrawl.


Withdrawl symptoms include the original symptoms in a lesser degree but should fade over a few days.

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they have tried some drugs that didn`t work, but not Stemtil, i went to ENT initially and was given balance exercises, which got me to a stage where i could just about function and get back to work, but the dizziness hasn`t completely gone and still flares up pretty bad, this is a re-referral to ENT, hopefully they`l try that before making me do all sorts of wierd exercises to send me dizzier than ever.............thanks Resident thats given me hope

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I had labrnthitis over a year ago and am still suffering with vertigo (unsteadiness).


I eventually got referred to the RHH, a doctor Witani, who diagnosed that I had lost 52% of my balance in my left ear. He referred me to the neurological physiotherapists at the RHH and I now think I am starting to get somewhere. They will give you exercises which may make you dizzy so that your brain can learn to compensate.


You may find that a walking pole, not a stick, will give you help. Try not to let it affect your life.


Good luck!

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Stemetil (generic name prochlorperazine, in case you have been prescribed it under another name) just basically treats the nausea and does very little for anything else that comes along with the lack of balance, and as a side effect it can make you very drowsy and leave you unable to drive or operate machinery etc.


Unfortunately medication of whatever sort is only effective for some people, so I hope that the hospital find something that is effective for you amt1971.

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thanks Medusa, yeah i have had Prochlorperazine and you are right it didn`t help at all!!

Extaxman thats really helpful, i know i`m going to need some one with me now, and I will get a walking pole thanks for the advise, I`ve been referred to Rotherham ENT, i`m going to insist on RHH referral now so its easier for me to get to!! i`m trying to live with the constant dizzies, its a bit of a joke with the people who know me now, i`v earnt the nick name dizzy drip:D thank fully i can manage to still go to work, as long as i`m careful and know my abilities.

Thanks again for all the replies and advise :):clap:

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Stemetil (generic name prochlorperazine, in case you have been prescribed it under another name) just basically treats the nausea and does very little for anything else that comes along with the lack of balance, and as a side effect it can make you very drowsy and leave you unable to drive or operate machinery etc.


Unfortunately medication of whatever sort is only effective for some people, so I hope that the hospital find something that is effective for you amt1971.


It can also cause an Oculogyric Crisis if you are allergic to it.. apparantly some women over 40 are affected by this type of medication that has prochlorperazine in it, and there are a few medications around that do!!

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Great news (for me anyway) !!!


Went to RHH today and saw the neuro physiotherapist. Have been about 5 or 6 times and have felt better every time. Today they told me I could try walking without my walking pole - tried it and was successful. Boosted my confidence no end.


Going up to pub tonight without my pole. Not far, only got to fall down twice and I'm home!!

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that is great news Extaxman, its reassuring to know i won`t have to put up with this forever, some thing can be done...........just 1 more question tho, do u do the exercises at home or at hospital...........i`m still unsure whether to ask for a referral to hallamshire or stick with the one in Rotherham which is a lot further to go on the bus but at least they can see me quickly!!??

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When you go to the neuro physiotherapists at the Hallamshire they will work you through the exercises, each appointment lasts about an hour, then give you an exercise sheet for you to do at home.


The lead up to that point takes some time though, they will want to do a brain scan in case you have a brain tumour, then refer you to a neuro specialist who will then refer you to the physios. If you can this part done at Rotherham they can always transfer the file to Sheffield.


Went to the pub last night, had 3 pints and didn't fall down on the way home!!

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