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72 Virgins Media Propaganda

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Chavez is not Irans only ally it has allys across Asia and South America. Most ordinary people in the Middle East also back Iran over Israel and the USA it's just the silly post coloniol puppets who have been placed in power but the people in the Middle East seem to have had enough of them.


There's no evidence Iran is developing Nuclear weapons so I don't know how you can see any such thing.


On the other hand Israel has the most Nucs in the Middle East and is the most hostile.


Why shouldn't Iran test its missile defences for self defence purposes especially with Israel making constant threats against it?


Iran is not attacking any country Israel on ther hand has been attacking Palestine and Lebanon for over sixty years with no sign of wanting to stop.


Let me get this straight you view Iran testing its missile defences as a threat to stability and peace but Israel constantly attacking its neighbours as no threat to peace and stability?


So if the present "colonial puppets" as you refer to them are removed from power what is your scenario for the middle east after that?


Ghadaffi for example is no "colonial puppet". In later years he renounced terrorism but has not been on particularly friendly terms with the west only lukewarm at best or up until NATO started bombing his military anyway


The Syrian leaders never were "colonial puppets either" In fact they are not pro-western by any stretch of the imagination.


Therefore in the above two cases your assertion that these two ongoing internal struggles are just to remove "western puppets" holds no water at all.

It is basically a struggle for control between Arab tribal factions by despots of one tribe trying to remain in power on one side and people of other tribes fed up of repressive regimes


If Iran is no threat at all why is it that not only the US but the European Union see them as a threat? How much do you know about the amount of intelligence being currently passed from inside Iran to the west about Iran's development of nukes? On what grounds do you claim there is no evidence that the country is developing nukes? Are you privy to top secret documents now on file with the CIA, MI6 or Mossad?


Why do factions of Hamas continue to fire missiles into Israel and yet the Hamas authorities do nothing to stop them?

If you neighbour's kid kept lobbing fireworks into your yard and yet his parents were doing nothing to stop him wouldn't you feel compelled to take action yourself? That's just the Israeli/Gaza situation simplified


Finally do you see the elimination of the Isareli state as the only solution to peace which is what Hamas advocate or the reaching of a peace accord as the alternative?

The first choice of course only means continued friction with Hamas and Iran and Syria using Hamas in it's proxy war with Israel. Iran's unholy alliance with Hugo Chavez and the construction of a missile site in Venezuela could eventually create another major crisis comparable to that of Cuba in 1962.


Personally I'm extremely pessimistic about the whole situation. I see a major shooting match developing sometime within the next five years so buckle your seat belt

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I'd guess that's down to his parents, since he still lives with them (well, his mother at least).


If I had a highly negative opinion of the part of the world I lived in I would pack up and move to what I consider a better place. Nothing like sticking with your principles

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And it certainly doesnt matter that they got rid of a tyrant who committed god knows how many acts of genocide still why let a little thing like that get in the way of a rant against the yanks

I hear Saddam had his 72 booked years ago


Saddam was conned by those old spinners of fairytales. He got the ugly old mothers of the 72 virgins instead. He's living in nag nag hell 24/7 :D

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Quote; Tony Blair on 7/7. 3pm.


"We know that these people act in the name of Islam"


Quote; BBC. on 7/7 .


"UK Prime Minister Tony Blair said it was "reasonably clear" there had been a series of terrorist attacks.


He said it was "particularly barbaric" that it was timed to coincide with the G8 summit. He is returning to London.


An Islamist website has posted a statement - purportedly from al-Qaeda - claiming it was behind the attacks."


Quote sky news.


"A previously unknown group calling itself the "Secret Organisation al Qaeda in Europe" said it carried out the attacks as revenge for British "military massacres" in Iraq and Afghanistan.".




The website turned out to be fake and based in Texas USA.

Yet you blindly believe the fairytales.


Assuming some website turned out to be fake, what about the 4 perpetrators of 7/7. The men blamed existed. Where are they now? Pretending to be dead? Killed by the state to make them seem responsible while state security secretly detonated the bombs? I consider myself to have a genuinely open mind yet all I see are shadows and whispers.

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Assuming some website turned out to be fake, what about the 4 perpetrators of 7/7. The men blamed existed. Where are they now? Pretending to be dead? Killed by the state to make them seem responsible while state security secretly detonated the bombs? I consider myself to have a genuinely open mind yet all I see are shadows and whispers.

And the survivors? The ones that described the behaviour of the men before they detonated their bombs. How come none of them have said, "Oh by the way, the bloke I saw looked nothing like the one in the photos?"


Or are all/some of the survivors really government agents?



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Well I have read most of this thread and the OP owes me 20 minutes of my life i'll never get back.


All I can gather is that the op is some kind of western hate spewing fanatic who sounds quite similar to a convert I once had the most unfortunate experience of working with he was a vile piece work whos mouth spewed venomous quotes of how 9/11 was justified and that Bin Laden was a god

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And the survivors? The ones that described the behaviour of the men before they detonated their bombs. How come none of them have said, "Oh by the way, the bloke I saw looked nothing like the one in the photos?"


Or are all/some of the survivors really government agents?




I am sure the intellectual V will provide us with a smoking gun to answer those questions e.g. the suspects did it but were hypnotised by MI5 into doing it or had bombs planted in their bags unknowingly. In other words they have an anti government agenda so will simply twist evidence to suit it regardless of how elastic and ridiculous it looks.

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Well I have read most of this thread and the OP owes me 20 minutes of my life i'll never get back.


All I can gather is that the op is some kind of western hate spewing fanatic who sounds quite similar to a convert I once had the most unfortunate experience of working with he was a vile piece work whos mouth spewed venomous quotes of how 9/11 was justified and that Bin Laden was a god


Is this your first experience with him? If so, well done on getting it right first time!


Unfortunately myself and a few others have had the unfortunate experience of having encountered him a few times before all about the same things.

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