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72 Virgins Media Propaganda

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At what point did I say that?


I clearly said that there is a difference between expressing a opinion and spamming the hell out of what was once a great forum. Also, what you are expressing isn't opinion, you are claiming facts which you HAVE NOT backed up with proof, you've provided youtube videos which ok I would take as evidence to back up your claim, but they prove nothing! You say don't believe what the press tell you, then you quote newspapers, you don't believe the government but you believe youtube, you don't respond to requests to further backup your claims and you create multiple threads on basically the same matter.


Oh they ARE opinions, just not their own. They are the opinions of other morons on the videos. The conspiracy fans then claim these opinions as fact, without proof, like you said.

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There was a miss translation. It is not there will be 72 virgins waiting. They are told that if they do not do the job, they will still be a virgin at 72.


What they don't realise is that when they say 72 virgins, that they are virgins for a reason. 72 Susan Boyles!!! :o :o :o

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What you're conveniantly forgetting is Saddam didn't commit genocide in 2003 when they got rid of him he comitted it in the 1980s when America was supporting him.


Also they didn't get rid of him peacefuly they got rid of him by comitting another genocide but dont let a little thing like that get in the way of your attempt at justifying genocide.

Well he wouldnt in 2003 when they got rid of him,how can a man thats been hung commit anything..on this earth anyway :loopy:

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So if the present "colonial puppets" as you refer to them are removed from power what is your scenario for the middle east after that?


Leaders that work in the interests of the people rather than their own.


Ghadaffi for example is no "colonial puppet". In later years he renounced terrorism but has not been on particularly friendly terms with the west only lukewarm at best or up until NATO started bombing his military anyway


In later years Ghadafi did a 380 degree turn giving up his nuclear weapons programme on the say so of the US and Britain and is now facing the consequences of that decision. When America gets annoyed with its puppets it seeks to replace them with brutal force.


The Syrian leaders never were "colonial puppets either" In fact they are not pro-western by any stretch of the imagination.


I wouldn't be surprised if the Syrian unrest is the result of the CIA and Mossad stiring it up in that country. It wouldn't be the first time such tactics have been used the CIA are causing unrest in nearly every Muslim country.


Therefore in the above two cases your assertion that these two ongoing internal struggles are just to remove "western puppets" holds no water at all.

It is basically a struggle for control between Arab tribal factions by despots of one tribe trying to remain in power on one side and people of other tribes fed up of repressive regimes


It's not actually, the Libyan rebels are not ordinary citizens they have strong connections to the CIA and have had for years before this unrest broke out. These rebels are linching black people across the country yet not a word about it in the western media.


If Iran is no threat at all why is it that not only the US but the European Union see them as a threat? How much do you know about the amount of intelligence being currently passed from inside Iran to the west about Iran's development of nukes? On what grounds do you claim there is no evidence that the country is developing nukes? Are you privy to top secret documents now on file with the CIA, MI6 or Mossad?


The US see them as a threat because they don't want a developed Muslim power in the region challenging US and Israeli coloniol dominance of the Middle East. I'm not sure the EU see Iran as a threat but tend to buckle under pressure from the United States. On what grounds do you claim there is evidence that the country is developing Nukes?


Why do factions of Hamas continue to fire missiles into Israel and yet the Hamas authorities do nothing to stop them?

If you neighbour's kid kept lobbing fireworks into your yard and yet his parents were doing nothing to stop him wouldn't you feel compelled to take action yourself? That's just the Israeli/Gaza situation simplified


your simplification is totally wrong when taking into account that the neighbour is not living in his own house but has also taken over the kids house and killed some of his family members while forcing the rest into the kitchen and taking the rest of the hosue for himself his family and his mates while the police stand by for over sixty years supporting it.


Finally do you see the elimination of the Isareli state as the only solution to peace which is what Hamas advocate or the reaching of a peace accord as the alternative?

The first choice of course only means continued friction with Hamas and Iran and Syria using Hamas in it's proxy war with Israel. Iran's unholy alliance with Hugo Chavez and the construction of a missile site in Venezuela could eventually create another major crisis comparable to that of Cuba in 1962.


Iran and Venezuella are in their own countries where as Israel and the United States are in everyone elses countries which is where the problem lies. Israel could bring about peace tomorrow if it wanted by removing all settlements ending the occupation and returning to 1967 borders but instead it continues the occuption continues building more settlements and continues murdering Palestinians.

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It's not actually, the Libyan rebels are not ordinary citizens they have strong connections to the CIA and have had for years before this unrest broke out. These rebels are linching black people across the country yet not a word about it in the western media.


New one - evidence please.

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