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72 Virgins Media Propaganda

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It has to be said that the crap that spouts from fundamentalists makes good copy though... Easier to stand amazed at what some people will believe, ..
Even our dustbins are getting choosy about what they take in unlike the binhead suicide bombers.
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you're confusing highly negative opinion of foreign policy of a country with highly negative opinion of the country in general.


One good thing about us westerners is that the right to express dissent and criticise government policies is part of our democratic heritage.

If I were living in Iran and saying naughty things about that country's policies I would be slung in jail by the thought police :D

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One good thing about us westerners is that the right to express dissent and criticise government policies is part of our democratic heritage.

If I were living in Iran and saying naughty things about that country's policies I would be slung in jail by the thought police :D


Is that why Islam4uk have been banned while the EDL have not?


Is that why Dr Zakir Naik a well respected and world renound speaker was banned from attending events in the UK?


Are you going to reply to post 160?

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Leaders that work in the interests of the people rather than their own.




In later years Ghadafi did a 380 degree turn giving up his nuclear weapons programme on the say so of the US and Britain and is now facing the consequences of that decision. When America gets annoyed with its puppets it seeks to replace them with brutal force.




I wouldn't be surprised if the Syrian unrest is the result of the CIA and Mossad stiring it up in that country. It wouldn't be the first time such tactics have been used the CIA are causing unrest in nearly every Muslim country.




It's not actually, the Libyan rebels are not ordinary citizens they have strong connections to the CIA and have had for years before this unrest broke out. These rebels are linching black people across the country yet not a word about it in the western media.




The US see them as a threat because they don't want a developed Muslim power in the region challenging US and Israeli coloniol dominance of the Middle East. I'm not sure the EU see Iran as a threat but tend to buckle under pressure from the United States. On what grounds do you claim there is evidence that the country is developing Nukes?




your simplification is totally wrong when taking into account that the neighbour is not living in his own house but has also taken over the kids house and killed some of his family members while forcing the rest into the kitchen and taking the rest of the hosue for himself his family and his mates while the police stand by for over sixty years supporting it.




Iran and Venezuella are in their own countries where as Israel and the United States are in everyone elses countries which is where the problem lies. Israel could bring about peace tomorrow if it wanted by removing all settlements ending the occupation and returning to 1967 borders but instead it continues the occuption continues building more settlements and continues murdering Palestinians.


You're a clone of truthlogic. You see the CIA behind everything. Cant you get it into your minds that the current unrest in Libya and Syria is plainly caused by a widespread discontent of social conditions, lack of jobs, lack of money, lack of freedom and too much money in the hands of dictators. These revolutionary movements are not anti-western either you might be surprised to know. Arab discontent with their leaders is basically an internal issue only and nothing to do with outside interference.

You seem to find it disagreeable that leaders like Ghadaffi and those in Syria are in danger of being kicked out. You ought to educate yourself by visiting those countries and mixing in with the ordinary people, finding out how they live and what their concerns are. You wont find any of the non-affluent people in raptures over their leaders.


The way to peace and stability in the region is for the Arab world as a whole to accept the existence of Israel, sign a permanent pact of peace and non-aggression in addition to commercial and trading agreements. By doing this it will put Israel in the spot of having to make major concessions in return such as withdrawing to the pre 1967 borders. The country would have to yield to the intense international pressure placed upon it to agree to that concession.

The first step for the Arab countries would be to bring groups like Al Aquida and Hamas to heel and send a strong message to Iran that it's interference in the affairs of Arab countries is no longer welcome. After all apart from a common religion Iranians are racially and culturally different from Arabs and no friends of Arabs either. The ones I've met in fact are highly contemptuous of Arabs in general


The issue of the Venezuelan missile site built with Iranian technology is another matter. Just one whiff of Iran transporting any kind of nuclear weaponry to Venezuela will make the Cuban missile crisis look like a Sunday school picnic. The US will not tolerate any nuclear weapons in it's hemisphere especially in a country headed by a leader hostile to it.

That missile site is on the back burner at the moment but if what I reckon might eventualyy come about occurs be prepared.

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Is that why Islam4uk have been banned while the EDL have not?


Is that why Dr Zakir Naik a well respected and world renound speaker was banned from attending events in the UK?


Are you going to reply to post 160?


Sorry I dont know anything about Islam4UK or a doctor Naik so cannot comment

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please if there are any islamaphobes please dont post,


this thread is Only to do with how the western media uses this story further their agenda.


If you research into the Islamic texts you will realize that there is no mention of



or any type of reward for suicide.


see link: http://theuglytruth.wordpress.com/2007/03/04/debunking-the-suicide-for-72-virgins-myth/


Yet the whole Entire western media has latched on too this catchphrase and is repeated over and over , including our very own BBC,



Yes there is one record of a mullah in Gaza telling folk this tale, but other than that what evidence is there that even fundelmetalists call for such a thing?



Even the BBC have attempted to mislead its readers and suggest a Jamaican born Muslim repeated these calls. but in fact he did not, read on




why would the BBC make up words?



is this another case of "wipe Israel of the map" syndrome


we prefer the term islamorealist.

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Originally Posted by truthlogic

please if there are any islamaphobes please dont post,


Spoken like a true 'Westernerphobe'



we prefer the term islamorealist.


Exactly but they don't like it when it's dished back.

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Its not any number of virgins that a Mulsim nutter would nail if he shook a seven while being blown limb for filthy limb but the way Muslin men think women are inferior to men. It is becuase Muslim men see women as sex objects that they make them cover up so no other man can see them in case he can't contain his lust. Women are not sex objects they are equals. As such Muslim women should know that many Muslim men are as morally corrupt as any man Black or white. Walkin 5 steps behind, not speekin the lingo, not being considered equal. Take you Muslim provoked dogma and stick it, women in the UK are Equal PERIOD.

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