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72 Virgins Media Propaganda

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I was being flip, after you originally claimed that the middle east bombed due to oppression... In reality they bomb because they're are groups of evil individuals and even larger groups of semi literate kids who are easily led all over the world, and there are many more terrorist groups in the world not just muslim terrorists... These people would always find something evil to do, and those who see attacks on others out would be guided by the first person who takes a interest in them, for good or bad...


so occupation of iraq has nothing to do with the civil war?


which will start again as soon as the yanks over stay

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yes but would they be doing it if Israel wasn't occupying Palestine?


If the Soviets had not invaded Afghanistan?


If America had not invaded Iraq and Afghanistan?


The west is providing plenty of opportunity for youngsters to end up as suicide bombers by creating the conditions in which martyrdom becomes the best option and in some cases the only option. The idea that some old cleric is brain washing people is nonsense.


no no no



but CNN would have ya belive its madras / schools providing the man power which is killing record number of occupation forces!



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so occupation of iraq has nothing to do with the civil war?


which will start again as soon as the yanks over stay


Eh? This bears little to my post you quoted... It seems to me that those who murder would do it regardless, the cause they cite could be anything, as it's all just a smoke screen as some people are simply evil, and others are plain simple, and when the two meet things can get very nasty very quickly...

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i dont condone violence or war! but i get a sneaky suspicaian that if we did not have soldiers in these countries these events would not take place!


may be just a hunch?


afgan kids are given a gun before they can walk , its thier custom to be hard bad assess!


Also pakistani media have got pictures of the so called Pakistani Taliban drinking alcohol. Iran has captured some so called Pakistani Taliban on the border with American supplied weapons. A lot of these so called Taliban are paid to come into Pakistan and cause unrest to give America the justification it needs to interfere militarily in Pakistan. The Binladen in the sea episode is another good example of this.

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How many Shia and Sunni in Iraq after the fall of Saddam ? occupied


How many by suicide bombers in Afganistan and Pakistan ? occupied


How many currently in Yemen, Libya and Syria? western backed dictators / being bombed by us / and probably will be bombed in the next 6 months



How many dissidents in Iran - west has backed terrorists organisations who have attacked iran / we supported a full scale war against them / we have sanctions against them etc etc et



tell me this


how many iraqis / afgans ever attacked the UK?


Yet they attack one another? It is interesting to kill your kin and not your enemy, don't you think?

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Eh? This bears little to my post you quoted... It seems to me that those who murder would do it regardless, the cause they cite could be anything, as it's all just a smoke screen as some people are simply evil, and others are plain simple, and when the two meet things can get very nasty very quickly...


You meaning convincing a nation and teenagers to go and invaded , kill , rape and torture ?


Or do you mean nationalists sending thier kids to either blow up or kill ?

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Also pakistani media have got pictures of the so called Pakistani Taliban drinking alcohol. Iran has captured some so called Pakistani Taliban on the border with American supplied weapons. A lot of these so called Taliban are paid to come into Pakistan and cause unrest to give America the justification it needs to interfere militarily in Pakistan. The Binladen in the sea episode is another good example of this.


I've not seen pakistani media , or drunk Taliban ( please link me )


However having thousand and thousand of contractors ( mercenaries ) on thiet soil and not being able to do anything about it will be more worrying for the pakistan government !

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You meaning convincing a nation and teenagers to go and invaded , kill , rape and torture ?


Or do you mean nationalists sending thier kids to either blow up or kill ?


I am not a fan of armies either - but that is another point... The point of this thread was and still is whether these kids kill because they think that they have 72 virgins awaiting them, and if this is a phrase that has ever been used by a fundamentalist...


I like how the forces are teenagers backed by their nation to kill, yet those who claim to be muslim, yet murder other muslims are nationalists... You have a interesting turn of phrase...

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