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I was a Bully at School

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I think he is actually confessing to the fact that he WAS a bully and deep down somewhere, is actually quite ashamed of it.It takes a lot of guts to be honest to admit to being something like a bully on here so I will give him credit for that alone. Whilst I do condemn the fact that I hate bullies with a passion.


Nail on the head, and anyone giving him a hard time for doing so is nothing more than a bully.:nod:

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Bullying is someone strong picking on someone weaker who they know won't or can't fight back. That sounds like the actions of a coward.


My experience of school bullies was that they were always the thick kids from the wrong end of the village, I assume they couldn't cope with being intellectually inferior and so had to prove their superiority by pushing someone around physically.


Usually problems with themselves to make them feel better when they bully. I agree, they're all cowards.

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I see this girl who once spat in my hair .. I mean a proper "gob" .. She's obviously now grown up and I'd love to go up to her in sainsburys where I usually see her and ask her loudly if she remembers that time.

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I see this girl who once spat in my hair .. I mean a proper "gob" .. She's obviously now grown up and I'd love to go up to her in sainsburys where I usually see her and ask her loudly if she remembers that time.


What do you think showing an adult up for something they did as a child would achieve exactly?:huh:

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