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I was a Bully at School

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My son got kicked where it hurts the most, and ended up going into hospital for an operation. This person just came up to him and did the deed, wish l knew who it was as l would have kicked him hard back.

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As a lad I was educated in a military school and I had to learn how to fight and look after myself very fast,the regime was hard and no one gave an inch, if you were weak you were out, they showed me how to look after my self and have self belief and confidence,all backed up with with sports running boxing and fitness, so as a kid I was fit strong and healthy and a good fighter,my Dad learnt me write from wrong and fair play,I had a good life as kid and wanted for nothing,my problem was when my Dad left the army and I had to go to mainstream school, and I was different to the other kids in all ways,I was to hard and to aggressive and competitive in all things and I found it all to easy to get my own way with intimidation and nastiness,I thrived on competition so there was no way I would pick on a weaker kid there was no merit in that, in fact I would look after most of the weak kids and make sure they were OK as for being thick at school no I was in the top few in some subjects and according to the army I was classed as very intelligent, people always think of the flashman types when they hear the word bullies but no there are different kinds of bullies,I must admit to feeling sorry for some of the things I did back then and if I had a chance I would like to say sorry to a few people,I had a good Caria in the army,and afterwards ran my my own business


Is this your wifes name, a people Caria:hihi::hihi: or did you perchance mean a good career?

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I've never got the whole 'bullies are cowards' thing. i can safely say that I was never a coward at school. Bullying is not a nice thing to do, but it doesn't make somebody a coward. It's just a word that is thrown around every time bullying is mentioned, when it is simply not relevant at all.


Thats because all bullies are not cowards, simple as. The statement is simply another tool used to hit back at bullies, a little bit like the "all homophobes are gay" rubbish.

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You're taking 'karma' as literal, which isn't the point of buddhism. You may disagree with the notion, many do, but the main idea is that if you put bad into the world you will get bad back. It is possible to be a multi-millionaire with a Playboy-bunny wife, but the world will never see when karma does strike and he realises it is all a hollow pleasure and life is eternal suffering. On the other hand a quiet monk may be rewarded with endless joy, just by sitting and being happy.


Karma isn't some supra-natural justice.


Thank you. The reason I brought up "stuff' is because for most of the people like this I've known, what they have and where they live becomes who they are. What's that saying about being nice to everyone on your way up, because you'll pass the same people going down? :hihi:


the idea that bullies lack intellect is a myth people use to make the victims feel better. there are just as likely to be dumb bullies as the general population of students. the same for intellect.


True. Bullies come in all shapes and sizes and all ages, too.

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the idea that bullies lack intellect is a myth people use to make the victims feel better. there are just as likely to be dumb bullies as the general population of students. the same for intellect.


I suppose you think thugs are the most carings people.

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As a lad I was head and shoulders above most and very strong and fit,I found it easy to over power most kids of my age,when I think back to them days I must have terrified some poor kids and made there liefs a misery,I would not say I am ashamed looking back, but when you are growing up it is a survival of the fittest and you have to find your place in life,I thinks now days a lot of the kids are mony codeled compared to my day,if you did not stick up for your self then they were all over you,I was always in fights and in trouble and ended up being expelled from school,when I left school I went to work as a mechanic and latter joined the army and never looked back,my Dad was my hero and he made me look after my self,and I past the same on to my son,I'm not sure about things now days but they seem to be gangs and not the stand up fights that we had in my generation,if you look at most of the successful people now they are mostly out spoken and loud no doubt most of them were something like a bully in the past.


Been bullied never leaves you.

It doesn't matter what age you become, it can all of a sudden hit you at your most vunerable.

Bullying leaves emotional scars.... FACT.

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to be fair, he was a kid when he did the bullying. he's a grown man now and am sure has learned whatever lessons life taught him. would it make him any more of a 'better' individual if he went around with crippling guilt and remorse for things he did when he was a kid?


Yes, that would be great for all his victims.

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When I first went into the army I wanted to be in the Marine's I was always a fit lad and had done a lot of hard training, when I got there they pick up the fact that I had done some boxing in the past,so strait away I was in for some special treatment,they have a history of bringing potential new recruits on in to boxing competitions and will put a lot pressure on you to perform in the ring all good for mural you know, so I got a bit of stick from a lot of the other lads,one lad in particular was a scouser and he was a nasty piece of work who fancied him self as a big hitter,so he started on me one day giving it the big scouser gob act about how he was going to do me with a knife when I was on my own and watch your back mate and all that crap,they were asking me to fight a guy who had been there for a few years and was a decent little fighter so I was looking forwards to a good fight,they said I could fight him or have I got someone in mind who else I would like to fight?yes I said that so and so that keeps saying he is going to do me, The guy was craping his pants when they told him he had to fight me in the ring,on the day of the fight I give him his due he did get into the ring and face me but I gave him a right good smacking and they ended up stopping the fight in the end ,so you see I have been the victim of bulling my self
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