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I was a Bully at School

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For teens like you, military camp is a great option. Think of it as a teen version of boot camp for adult soldiers. While not requiring the commitment as military school for kids, military camp helps teens who are beginning to show a lack of focus and discipline to turn their lives around before it’s too late. Just sayin.

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As a lad I was head and shoulders above most and very strong and fit.


As a 12 year old I was head and shoulders above everyone including every teacher and strong and fit and 13 1/2 stone. I went to a comp with 1500 pupils, I never bullied anyone, it never crossed my mind.


Sounds like being an army kid messes you up :(

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I still can't tell if OP is showing off or secretly trying to put his conscience to rest?


I got more than my fair share of bullying, though I always hit back. Bullys (I'm not including the physco kids) never came back when they realised I would fight back (PS I always lost lol)


I believe absolutely that kids should learn to stand up for them self... why? Because when you hit life, and by that I mean the work place and town after hours... you need to know what to do, even if your style is to walk away you need to know that. I've had managers that were far worse than any kid could be but I know who I am.


I PITY any child that is protected like a flower then released into the world, what a scary place that must be.


(PS - I hold no grudges against 99% of my bullies they were sheep, except for two, they were instigators and directed the crowd... and now I'm a little older and bigger I wouldn't mind bumping into them one more time).

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I was the victim of bullies for quite a while at school. The effect it has on you is under estimated by anyone bullying or people who have not been the victim of bullying.

At one point i totally withdrew. I wasn't taking anything in at school because my only thoughts were how i would survive the next break or dinner time. In the end i spent every dinner time talking to a dinner lady. The only safe place i could find.


It only ended half way through secondary school when my aunt came to stay with us. She is a no nonsense Wybourn lass and told it as it is. She gave me the famed ultimatum, "get in there and hit him or i will hit you!".


It worked. A couple of days later a lad told me i was 'dead' after the lesson. Sure enough he came at me, hit me once and i hit him back. He almost collapsed due to the force i hit him. I never had any trouble from him again. In fact i hardly had any trouble from anyone ever again.


Sadly, i fear the same can not happen these days. If someone is a bully and you stand up them they may just come back with a knife to prove their point :|

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I am relatively successful and I was pretty much a bully at school. Like yourself It's not something I am proud of and I wouldn't want my kids to do the same. If I managed to get in contact with anyone that I have bullied in the past, I would apologise.


What goes around comes around. Your children may become victims of the abuse you gave.

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Some people on here have a very limited world view. Not all bullies are cowards; some bully for power, others do it because they are cruel, some do it to survive, while others to fit in.


However most bullies bully because they are typically bigger and more physically powerful than other kids. It's fun and they can get away with it (it's great being at the top of the pecking order).


Later in life people bully with their work status, but the same basic reasons stand.

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I was once told by a teacher


Bullys are cowards at heart and will run away if you stand up to them


The school bully approached me, so I punched him on the nose on the school field.


I then got absolutely battered, and left with 2 black eyes, a massive nose bleed and 2 fractured ribs..... he also got his dog to **** its leg up and urinate on me.


That teacher was obviously a liar

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As a lad I was head and shoulders above most and very strong and fit,I found it easy to over power most kids of my age,when I think back to them days I must have terrified some poor kids and made there liefs a misery,I would not say I am ashamed looking back, but when you are growing up it is a survival of the fittest and you have to find your place in life,I thinks now days a lot of the kids are mony codeled compared to my day,if you did not stick up for your self then they were all over you,I was always in fights and in trouble and ended up being expelled from school,when I left school I went to work as a mechanic and latter joined the army and never looked back,my Dad was my hero and he made me look after my self,and I past the same on to my son,I'm not sure about things now days but they seem to be gangs and not the stand up fights that we had in my generation,if you look at most of the successful people now they are mostly out spoken and loud no doubt most of them were something like a bully in the past.


The grubby end of bullying contains a lot of people in prison which hardly successful.Others may use their persona for an absence of real talent.John Terry is likely to bully but I doubt if Messi needs to do the same.Bullying is a short cut but like so many compromises these people are found out in the long-term.Stalin,Thatcher and Hitler are three prominent examples form politics while Henry Ford broke up picket lines with hired thugs.Ford has been surpassed by VW,Toyota and others.

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I was once told by a teacher


Bullys are cowards at heart and will run away if you stand up to them


The school bully approached me, so I punched him on the nose on the school field.


I then got absolutely battered, and left with 2 black eyes, a massive nose bleed and 2 fractured ribs..... he also got his dog to **** its leg up and urinate on me.


That teacher was obviously a liar


Bullies are expert in spotting victims.

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