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Getting a crown done at the dentist.. is there a guarantee?

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I live in Kent had a crown on a back molar done last December. Have a NHS dentist cost me £198. According to my dentist that is all you would have to pay. Trouble is finding a NHS dentist in the first place!!. :)

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I live in Kent had a crown on a back molar done last December. Have a NHS dentist cost me £198. According to my dentist that is all you would have to pay. Trouble is finding a NHS dentist in the first place!!. :)


NHS dental charges



There are three NHS charge bands.


•Band 1: £17 includes an examination, diagnosis and advice. If necessary, it also includes X-rays, a scale and polish and planning for further treatment.

•Band 2: £47 includes all treatment covered by Band 1, plus additional treatment, such as fillings, root canal treatment and removing teeth (extractions).

•Band 3: £204 includes all treatment covered by Bands 1 and 2, plus more complex procedures, such as crowns, dentures and bridges.


The thing to do is get any treatment deeded all done at once, I thing band 3 is the maximum charge regardless of how many crowns you have done in one course of treatment.


What if I need more treatment?


If, within two months of completing a course of treatment, you need more treatment from the same charge band or a lower one, for example another filling, you don't have to pay anything extra.


However, after two months, you will have to pay an additional band charge.

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Thanks for replies all.


Seems there are people out there whose crowns last 10 years - that's encouraging!


I'll have to bite the bullet and get it done soon, much as I am scared of the experience:|


I'm likely to need more work done after this, and facing the problem of NHS dentists being too 'laid back' and possibly ignoring some serious issues which need addressing, and an over-enthusiastic private dentists who presented me with a treatment plan which includes just about every tooth:o


JohnX - could you please PM me who your dentist is if you don't mind? Would be useful to know of any good ones with recommendations who actually take NHS patients still. You do wonder why, where 90% of dentists don't take any more, some still do - I take it this doesn't necessarily mean they are not as popular/good as the oversubscribed ones?


Edit: sorry if I confused anyone with my original posts, I was referring to the crown costing the same at NHS and private practices because the crown itself is 'private' ie all ceramic/porcelain as opposed to metal base with porcelain around it.

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What are crowns made of these days? I've had a gold one since 1985 and never any bother, but a newer non-gold one came off after a couple of years.


I think you can still get a gold one if you want one. This is taken from http://www.cosmeticdentistryguide.co.uk


'In modern-day dentistry. there is a wide variety of dental materials to choose from. Some crowns are made from full gold, where as others are made from an alloy of metals fused to a porcelain outer shell. After time, crowns that are made from a combination of metal fused to porcelain can begin to show dark gum lines that are not aesthetically attractive. All-porcelain or -ceramic crowns are the best choice for a natural cosmetic look'.


Standard NHS ones are the metal base with porcelain (ceramic?) outer shell. More expensive private ones are all porcelain/ceramic.


I am hoping the modern porcelain ones have some staying power!

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I don't mind at all but he is in South London, not Sheffield!


John X


Ahh I knew there'd be a 'catch'. All the recommended dentists in Sheffield don't seem to take NHS any more so I could have guessed it wouldn't be round here.


To be honest, I would go far to a good dentist (althoug London is a little bit too expensive:) Thanks anyway!

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