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Taliban & Bin Laden Conspiracy

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For a moment at first, yes. He uses multiple accounts to try and back up his claims rather than actually put forward a case or factual evidence. Keep watching and you'll notice that he doesn't actually give any answers, just spews links to his conspiracy vids and sites. Or answers with his own questions to divert.

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"openly training " - have you ever seen evidence of training camps or secret cave bunkers which were supposedly being used by terror groups ? ( NO YOU HAVE NOT )
I've not visited them personally, but there are many. Try al Farouq - many of the Guantanamo guests quoted this as the camp where they were given arms training.

Khalden as well, 50-100 trainess at any time - and not run by al Qaeda.

And Derunta, where most of the bomb-making training took place.



There's 'evidence' of these places all over - do you deny they existed?


""variety of extremist groups". Such as ? ( this is the first I ever heard that more than one group were being harboured by the Taliban )
It's amazing what you haven't heard of, considering the utterly ridiculous things you base your 'knowledge' on. Here are a few:


Islamic Jihad of Yemen, Al-Qaeda in Iraq, Al-Qaeda Organization in the Islamic Maghreb, Al-Shabaab (Mujahideen Youth Movement) in Somalia, Egyptian Islamic Jihad, Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, East Turkestan Islamic Movement.


"Please do you care to share the names of these other groups YOU believe were the reason we are in Americas longest running war ?
Not me, my deranged firend, many nations' security sevices. All of the above are groups are or were directly linked to Al-Qaeda, but were separate terrorist entities.
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Ploor bloke seems to be getting a lot of stick?!




ETA - Roost - you thought I was this person didn't you? x


If you gona be me you will also need to take the idenity of dabuckle .


As I am dabuckle ( according to them )

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If you gona be me you will also need to take the idenity of dabuckle .


As I am dabuckle ( according to them )


They find it hard to understand how so many people can have the same mental crazy beliefs and not even know each other.


Which does raise a question, If all conspiracies are false lies then how come thousands of free press reporters all documents the same facts without having and network connections with their works?

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fact: taliban almost eradicated opium production

fact: taliban offered to hand over binny even before 9/11 in return for lifting of sanctions , or providing evidence he was a behind attacks


fact : Taliban offered to hand over binny to 3rd part eg saudi


usa ignored requests


which one of the above facts can you not swallow and if not true what is the truth?


" bush said he did it , and we gona smoke him out "?

When will you get to the bit where the 'Three Bears' arrive home and find 'Goldilocks'?

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Are all the conspiracy theorists on here the same person but using different accounts?


I was just wondering as it seems strange to find so many of you in one place.


You could say the same of the numerous people on here that promote propaganda and/or believe the government and media lies without question.

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