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Taliban & Bin Laden Conspiracy

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Point is what sort of case with evidence is relay against these guys ?


WhAt ever happened with the second wave of bombers ?


We're all laughing at you.


Let's put it this way, in a court of law, would you be able to prove all your points? Would you be able to give more proof than the other side? Do you think you'd be able to use YouTube 'evidence' in court rather than eye witnesses, experts, government officials etc?


Your delusional if you think anything you say has any credibility whatsoever. Instead of ranting on and on, why don't you create one post with all your 'evidence' and I might just go through it some day and debunk it all. I've done this for every single thing you've ever posted (that I've come across) and you ignore it even though others repeat what I say to you. Even your signature links are a joke.

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With respect to Mr Biddle, he did suffer severe head trauma and was in a coma for several weeks,he awoke to the official story and pictures of the alleged bomber would be wide spread by then.

His story has not been consistant and could easily just be filling in the gaps with what he was told rather than what he actually remembers.

I can not take his word he saw what he thinks he saw when all but one camera in the whole of london failed to see the alleged bombers making their way to or boarding the trains. (and even that picture was rather dodgy looking)


What ?


Wait rewind here please , only one camera in London saw the Asian bombers on that day ??



Hey v is that true ?


Can DOSXUK debunk that claim ?

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We're all laughing at you.


Let's put it this way, in a court of law, would you be able to prove all your points? Would you be able to give more proof than the other side? Do you think you'd be able to use YouTube 'evidence' in court rather than eye witnesses, experts, government officials etc?


Your delusional if you think anything you say has any credibility whatsoever. Instead of ranting on and on, why don't you create one post with all your 'evidence' and I might just go through it some day and debunk it all. I've done this for every single thing you've ever posted (that I've come across) and you ignore it even though others repeat what I say to you. Even your signature links are a joke.


Yes you lot are a lot more dedicated to your view of events ,



And yes I could prove me points in a court of law ,


I could prove that your commander and chief was complicit in letting bin laden escape ,


I would prove that he ignored diplomacy & negotiation which could have led to bin ladens capture , the possible prevention of 9/11 and the wars !


Did Washington respond to the letter the Taliban gave to them before 9/11?


No they did not !


If they did prove it !


The other link shows how even the media could not find a official response ,let's see if you can .:-)

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Yes you lot are a lot more dedicated to your view of events ,



And yes I could prove me points in a court of law ,


I could prove that your commander and chief was complicit in letting bin laden escape ,


I would prove that he ignored diplomacy & negotiation which could have led to bin ladens capture , the possible prevention of 9/11 and the wars !


Did Washington respond to the letter the Taliban gave to them before 9/11?


No they did not !


If they did prove it !


The other link shows how even the media could not find a official response ,let's see if you can .:-)




YET AGAIN. You have ignored most of my requests.


How would you prove all that? Cos up to now you've given silly youtube videos as proof, and the odd news article (I thought you told people not to believe what they read in the press :confused: )


Your telling me to prove that they responded to 'the letter'... what letter? I've seen no evidence or proof of a letter ever being sent, so why do I need to prove they replied when I've seen no proof the letter existed at all.


If a letter did exist and they didn't respond, maybe it's cos of what's in the letter? How do you know what was in the letter, they may have made all sorts of demands!


Your delusional, you think your more enlightened than everyone else, you think as 1 single person on the earth that you have more knowledge than anyone else about it and therefore would be able to prove all sorts of things.


I'd learn to spell and use grammar a little better before you attempt to make yourself credible.

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I don't refuse to look at evidence or click a link. I refuse to sit through a 45 minute video to get a ten second sound bite. Anything important will have been summarised by people who have the time. You may have the time to spend hours watching them, I don't.


Notice where above I've provided sources of videos, I've described their contents so you don't need to sit through them to know what they show if you don't want to.


Where v is better than you truthlogic, is that he explains his position, and provides sensible links and a summary of their contents. You just post links with no description.


You refused to watch the video or read the articles which I was using a sources to back up my claim ,


Now Realy dosxuk how can anyone expect any sort of counter argument ?

This is how you end up looking silly ,


You say I don't post verifiable links which I proven to you I have ,

And then not even bother to look at them ,


V resistance is talking to you about a total diff subject how can you compare the two unrelated events ,


My taking place over months ,


Now please tell me why has a majority of the public been made to belive that the good ol pushtun Taliban did not whant to give up saudi binladen ?

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YET AGAIN. You have ignored most of my requests.


How would you prove all that? Cos up to now you've given silly youtube videos as proof, and the odd news article (I thought you told people not to believe what they read in the press :confused: )


Your telling me to prove that they responded to 'the letter'... what letter? I've seen no evidence or proof of a letter ever being sent, so why do I need to prove they replied when I've seen no proof the letter existed at all.


If a letter did exist and they didn't respond, maybe it's cos of what's in the letter? How do you know what was in the letter, they may have made all sorts of demands!


Your delusional, you think your more enlightened than everyone else, you think as 1 single person on the earth that you have more knowledge than anyone else about it and therefore would be able to prove all sorts of things.


I'd learn to spell and use grammar a little better before you attempt to make yourself credible.



Hahah hey please don't pretend that we have been talking to each other for ages!


I asked you To tell me why did the u.s not respond to the Taliban official ?

Why was his letter ignored ?


Come on we were talking like if this was used as evidence in a Case , now please defend bush and thier policy's if you can !

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Hahah hey please don't pretend that we have been talking to each other for ages!


I asked you To tell me why did the u.s not respond to the Taliban official ?

Why was his letter ignored ?


Come on we were talking like if this was used as evidence in a Case , now please defend bush and thier policy's if you can !


Well it seems like a long time cos in every thread that I've seen you in I asked you simple questions and none of them were answered, in the space of a couple of hours this is the 3rd time, why would I answer your questions if you haven't answered mine?


I can't answer those questions because I have no proof of any letter been sent.


YOUR the one trying to go against what everyone believes, so you present your 'evidence' and 'proof' then I will take every single piece and prove every one to be either wrong/misleading/insufficient/etc etc


Your living in dreamland.

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You refused to watch the video or read the articles which I was using a sources to back up my claim ,


Now Realy dosxuk how can anyone expect any sort of counter argument ?

This is how you end up looking silly ,


You say I don't post verifiable links which I proven to you I have ,

And then not even bother to look at them ,


V resistance is talking to you about a total diff subject how can you compare the two unrelated events ,


My taking place over months ,


Now please tell me why has a majority of the public been made to belive that the good ol pushtun Taliban did not whant to give up saudi binladen ?


Because it's true...?


That's what everyone believes because it's the most anyone knows. If you believe you know more than everyone else then show us where you got info from with proof :)


EDIT: If you don't respond with proof, it just proves my point completely, that your making false claims that you can't back up and are just making YOURSELF look silly.

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