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Taliban & Bin Laden Conspiracy

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We were apparently the same person this morning.


Nobody made that claim yesterday morning.


truthlogic falsely accused me claiming that he had multiple logins, which I did not, and I am still awaiting an apology for the slur.


Paranoia runs deep with you two I suppose.


I made the factual observation that you quoted yourself 4 times on another thread recently. This behaviour is well known to be evidence of multiple log-ins, or more than one person using the same id, on Internet forums. I have since had to concur with longcol that it could simply be a symptom of some strange behavioural traits, which could include paranoid personality disorder.


So there does seem to be some evidence being presented for the symptoms of paranoia here. Next you'll be claiming that there is a government secret plot being undertaken by thousands of conspirators with almost superhuman power and cunning ... oh, wait.



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Incidentally, if there's one group that is determined to prove the claim that Islam is the "religion of peace" is false, it's the Taliban. This mornings news about the Taliban's violent attacks to avenge Osama Bin Laden's death also goes to show that the Taliban and Al-Qaeda are/were one and the same.




Alleged Taliban promises to hand over, not hand over, whatever, are irrelevant.


What puzzles me is that this seems relevant at all to some Muslims living in the West. Surely their anger should be directed towards the Taliban and it's supporters for their twisted version of Islam, rather than some conspiracy hypothesis about Western governments?


It rather gives the niggling impression that there is actual support of the Taliban here.



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Incidentally, if there's one group that is determined to prove the claim that Islam is the "religion of peace" is false, it's the Taliban. This mornings news about the Taliban's violent attacks to avenge Osama Bin Laden's death also goes to show that the Taliban and Al-Qaeda are/were one and the same.




Alleged Taliban promises to hand over, not hand over, whatever, are irrelevant.


What puzzles me is that this seems relevant at all to some Muslims living in the West. Surely their anger should be directed towards the Taliban and it's supporters for their twisted version of Islam, rather than some conspiracy hypothesis about Western governments?


It rather gives the niggling impression that there is actual support of the Taliban here.




Given I only really have the main stream view of the Taliban,althoiugh I don't doubt they were an oppressive government I think the medeia have "sexed up" some evil regime we should all fear.


Do you remember this case a few years ago.




"British soldiers have been caught posing as Arabs and shooting Iraqis in the occupied city of Basra in southern Iraq. A group of them was caught yesterday by Iraqi police. They were driving an Iraqi car, wearing Arab clothing, and carrying weapons and explosives.


The Iraqi police were patrolling the area looking for suspected "terrorists" or "insurgents", and they noticed that the men were acting suspiciously. Suddenly, without warning, the suspicious men started shooting at people, but the new Iraqi security forces managed to capture some of them before they could escape. Obviously, if these men had not been caught, the mass media would now be reporting the incident as just another attempt by evil "terrorists" to create civil war in Iraq."


These men escaped justice because our lot went and rescued them,blowing stuff up,and if I rememer rightly killing more innocent people in the process.


Can you understand why I have trust issues ?

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