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Taliban & Bin Laden Conspiracy

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It is certainly true for a brief period the Taliban eradicated some 90% of opium procuction in Afghanistan.


Whether that was a short term tactic to gain aid (or push up the price as some have claimed) we don't know.




Afganistan wad NOT getting any aid !


The fact remains the regime which is set up now ( with the blood of thousands of western soliders ) grows , benifits the most from opium !


With the country under military occupation for 10 years for some strange unknown reason more and more opimum is grown and shipped abroad !


Russia Which has seen a massive new increase in addicts puts square blame on the occupiers !




NATO is at worst allowing the growing and export of this drug or at best is helpless to do anything about it !


( I find it odd how rootbooster now considers wiki links evidence , strange did i change his attitude or was it longcol ?)

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Afganistan wad NOT getting any aid !


The fact remains the regime which is set up now ( with the blood of thousands of western soliders ) grows , benifits the most from opium !


With the country under military occupation for 10 years for some strange unknown reason more and more opimum is grown and shipped abroad !


Russia Which has seen a massive new increase in addicts puts square blame on the occupiers !




NATO is at worst allowing the growing and export of this drug or at best is helpless to do anything about it !


( I find it odd how rootbooster now considers wiki links evidence , strange did i change his attitude or was it longcol ?)


You've said before about avoiding news channels etc and it's all lies. Firstly, youtube for evidence? Secondly NEWS ON Youtube!?!!


I know nothing about this side of things, but you know why they are there, as does everyone, they are rebuilding (evidently) the country and most people there are grateful to have our forces in the country.


The opium stuff, what are they supposed to do, are they contributing to it?

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The government is not a single person. Neither is it a small group of people. It is a large number of people, backed by an even larger (half a million) number of people. Some of them will lie. But we are all entitled to run for office if we wish, we can watch BBC Parliament until our eyeballs drop out, and read every word that they utter.


Nobody would suggest that we should believe everything that government tells us, but we should trust it. If you don't, become an MP.


To be honest, I don't think I would swap our government for that of any other country. (I would ditch the party politics bit though).


As I said on another thread, I don't expect to be told the truth by our government, but I do expect honest integrity.


I understand were you are coming from , I was also like that

Drip feed by the mainstream media ,


Propaganda is used by all governments , western ones have it perfected ,


Take for example the Libyan conflict and how the BBC uses actors pretending to be doctors from misrata ,


Wait untill the $ collapses and all will be revealed !

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You've said before about avoiding news channels etc and it's all lies. Firstly, youtube for evidence? Secondly NEWS ON Youtube!?!!


I know nothing about this side of things, but you know why they are there, as does everyone, they are rebuilding (evidently) the country and most people there are grateful to have our forces in the country.


The opium stuff, what are they supposed to do, are they contributing to it?


"most people are grateful "


Guess what they used to say that about Iraq ! ( civil war paused for now , untill yanks overstay )



If most People are grateful

Why do we have record number of troop fatalities ?

Why do we have massive amount of immigration out of the country ? Including senior government officials and athletes ?

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There's a difference between not believing every word the government says (drawing conclusions based on what they say and other sources) and actively avoiding anything they say because it's all lies which is what the protagonists of these theories claim.


I'm pretty sure it's impossible for a single person, let alone a group of them, in any capacity to convincingly lie 100% of the time.


According to "truthlogic", everything the BBC says is propaganda at best, but normally complete lies. I ask, what point would there be in the BBC lying about this story: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-13437279 - and further, I don't see any opportunities for propaganda in there...



This should be easy ,

Were have I ever said " everything BBC says are lies "


You find me that quote and I will delete my avatar !


What we will find is that it's YOU who are making false claims agaist me !

Put Ur money were ur mouth is !

Prove I said that !!

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As they have stated they have killed OBL what are we will doing there ?


What these avatars do is try and side step the issue being discussed !


Which is that tha Taliban were ready to talk hand over bin laden even before 9/11


Majority of People have been brainwashed by the media into thinking that in fact they said no after 9-11 and that why we had to go in ( and a decade later still there )


All 3 links and much more will be posted shows that the Taliban even appeared on American media channels talking about what they had offered Washington but were ignored !


Ignored why? Due to the facts that if binny was handed over how could the USA an it's so called allies invaded two countries ?


There is also lots of evidence to suggest the invasion of afgansistan was planned before 9-11 took place !

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What these avatars do is try and side step the issue being discussed !


Which is that tha Taliban were ready to talk hand over bin laden even before 9/11


Majority of People have been brainwashed by the media into thinking that in fact they said no after 9-11 and that why we had to go in ( and a decade later still there )


All 3 links and much more will be posted shows that the Taliban even appeared on American media channels talking about what they had offered Washington but were ignored !


Ignored why? Due to the facts that if binny was handed over how could the USA an it's so called allies invaded two countries ?


There is also lots of evidence to suggest the invasion of afgansistan was planned before 9-11 took place !


Give proof. We've asked a few times now. A youtube video is in no way proof, just because someone said they had offered the whitehouse something it does not prove it.


Prove firstly that they had prior knowledge (no, we won't research it, the whole point is that if your going to make a claim you back it up!) then prove that they had actually made a fair offer to the whitehouse (do you really think they'd have just given him up like that without question? My guess is if there was ever a offer then it will have been in return for something or on their terms.)

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