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New trial for murder of Stephen Lawrence

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Yep that's what I did mean. If I were on the jury, I would find them guilty.


Even if the evidence could not prove that beyond reasonable doubt? :confused:


Have you ever been in court?


Have you ever served on a jury?


Have you ever served on a jury in the Old Bailey?


Have you ever served on a jury in the Old Bailey in a massively high-profile case?


When you are sitting in that jury room with 11 other people feeling the pressure to get it right, I doubt whether anyone in that room would be as crass as to come out with "Oh come on, we all know they did it"


Especially after his honour the judge has just given each and every one of you a massive rocket up the arse about paying no attention to the history of this case, and the importance of truly serving justice by looking at the facts in front of them.


Trust the people!


John X

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Crikey, there's a lot there! I think the only way to approach this trial would be with an open mind, not 'I know they did it' or conversely with the view that they're being persecuted because the state needs to find a scapegoat for this murder, so in that respect John X is right in my opinion-forget what we know or think we know already and listen to the evidence that's presented..that's as fair a trial as anybody could get, if it's achievable for these two.


Well the thing is that's never going to happen. In an ideal world you are right, it's what should happen. However in this world every member of the juory will know that these men killed this lad and they did it because he was black. They will find them guilty and that's that. Good I say. But I'm no liberal.


Any other argument that the guilty verdict is safe is just babble.

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Even if the evidence could not prove that beyond reasonable doubt? :confused:


Have you ever been in court?


Have you ever served on a jury?


Have you ever served on a jury in the Old Bailey?


Have you ever served on a jury in the Old Bailey in a massively high-profile case?


When you are sitting in that jury room with 11 other people feeling the pressure to get it right, I doubt whether anyone in that room would be as crass as to come out with "Oh come on, we all know they did it"



Especially after his honour the judge has just given each and every one of you a massive rocket up the arse about paying no attention to the history of this case, and the importance of truly serving justice by looking at the facts in front of them.


Trust the people!


John X


They did it. You know it. I know it. Everyone knows it. If I was on that case I would find them guilty. I would then go home content that I had done good and sleep well.




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They did it. You know it. I know it. Everyone knows it. If I was on that case I would find them guilty. I would then go home content that I had done good and sleep well.





But how do you know it?


No one 'knows' it, other than the victim, and those who killed him. The whole legal process is there to determine whether, beyond doubt, based on all the evidence that has been collected, these gentlemen did it.


Then, and only then, can people come out and say they did it.


Otherwise anyone can say they know that anyone else did it.


Like you. I know you did it. Tell me I'm wrong :hihi:



Ps - if you had sat through all the evidence intent on a guilty verdict, then you wouldn't have done good, you'd have made a mockery of the system.

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They did it. You know it. I know it. Everyone knows it. If I was on that case I would find them guilty. I would then go home content that I had done good and sleep well.





Maybe that's why you're not on the case.


I have a gut feeling that these guys are as guilty as hell but that is no proof of guilt but more likely the result of watching to much **** on TV or forum interaction :hihi: The fact that my gut feeling most likely makes me bias is reason enough not to allow me on jury duty.

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They did it. You know it. I know it. Everyone knows it. If I was on that case I would find them guilty. I would then go home content that I had done good and sleep well.





If there were convincing evidence that they had, then I would. (and I assume there is, as this case is such a political hot potato that I suspect it will have been referred 'up the chain' a few levels before the decision was finally made.)


If not, I would acquit.


John X

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I've not read the whole thread, however, all I can say is 'good' and if they are guilty I sincerely hope that the jury returns a guilty verdict.



and as ive been saying along, the magic words are..............IF they are guilty, ive been accused of all sorts in this thread for trying to say the same thing :P

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