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Labour's First Anniversary in Opposition

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Then perhaps Labour should stop acting like spoilt brats and more like Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition. Until they do they are simply being bloody minded and demeaning themselves.


Comparing Labour's first year to the Tories last year, there's a vast difference in behaviour and attitude.

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Comparing Labour's first year to the Tories last year, there's a vast difference in behaviour and attitude.




For once you are not wrong there. The Tories couldn't even get a working majority on their own and wouldn't beable to govern without the puppet Lib Dems. The Cons are still stuck at around 36% in the polls. Labour have gone from 30 to their current average of 42%, a 6% swing, and got rid of 800 Lib Dems cllrs. Not bad in a year!

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For once you are not wrong there. The Tories couldn't even get a working majority on their own and wouldn't beable to govern without the puppet Lib Dems. The Cons are still stuck at around 36% in the polls. Labour have gone from 30 to their current average of 42%, a 6% swing, and got rid of 800 Lib Dems cllrs. Not bad in a year!


So its odd then that the tories won twice as many seats as labour at the elections a couple of weeks back.

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So its odd then that the tories won twice as many seats as labour at the elections a couple of weeks back.


Perhaps they so call a General Election then and rule with a majority. They won't because they know they'll stand no chance. Even long standing daily tory rags have begun to turn against them.

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Perhaps they so call a General Election then and rule with a majority. They won't because they know they'll stand no chance. Even long standing daily tory rags have begun to turn against them.


I wonder why they would want to. They have twice as many council seats as any other party and increased those numbers at the may elections. It seems to be moving in the right direction for them. On the other hand it isn't going too well for the opposition who not only failed to take the predicted 1200 seats from the tories, but also took a right drubbing in Scotland. I see millibands standing in the polls continues to sink whilst camerons is on the rise. No doubt in 4 years cameron will lead his party into an election in a far better shape than they are now, but I doubt Milliband will be doing the same.

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Guest sibon
Perhaps they so call a General Election then and rule with a majority. They won't because they know they'll stand no chance. Even long standing daily tory rags have begun to turn against them.


If the Tories call a snap election, they will romp home. Take a look at the local election results and the Scottish election.


You can see the cracks in the coalition widening day by day. An autumn election is a distinct possibility, with the prospect of five years of being run by the Bullingdon Club.

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Guest sibon
I wonder why they would want to.


Because they have a significant number of members who dislike the coalition intensely. That causes internal tension and may yet threaten the leadership. If I was in charge, I'd want my own Government ASAP.

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Because they have a significant number of members who dislike the coalition intensely. That causes internal tension and may yet threaten the leadership. If I was in charge, I'd want my own Government ASAP.


And what's more, the press are beginning to turn the tide of public opinion against Cameron. The longer he calls it off, the worse it will be for him. it wouldn't surprise me if they ditched him before the next election.

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And what's more, the press are beginning to turn the tide of public opinion against Cameron. The longer he calls it off, the worse it will be for him. it wouldn't surprise me if they ditched him before the next election.


It doesn't seem to be working though does it judging by this recent yougov poll?


The regular trackers would appear to have been impacted by the elections at the start of the month – David Cameron’s net approval is up slightly to minus 1 (from minus 3 last week), Ed Miliband’s approval is down to minus 21 (from minus 12 last week), which equals his lowest rating to date. Nick Clegg’s rating is minus 52 (from minus 50 a week ago), his lowest rating ever.


YouGov also asked about perceptions of the two main party leaders – primarily aimed at seeing to what extent if any Cameron was becoming seen as arrogant or unpleasant. People saw Cameron as arrogant by 46% to 39%, but he was seen as likeable by slightly more people (45%) than saw him as dislikable (42%) and, overall, public perceptions of him are still positive. His is seen as strong (by 51% to 27%), competent (by 52% to 30%) and as up-to-the-job (by 48% to 36%). His big weakness is not arrogance, but being seen in touch with ordinary people – 30% think Cameron is in touch, but 53% think he is not (which, of course, probably plays into the Conservative party’s wider problem of being seen as a party for the rich).


Looking at how people answered the same questions about Ed Miliband, the most positive findings were that Miliband was seen as honest (by 41% to 18%) and open-minded (by 42% to 22%). The most negative were that Miliband was seen as weak (by 44% to 19%), not up-to-the-job (by 45% to 25%) and unlikeable (by 45% to 31%). I’ve been cautious in the past about concluding too much from Miliband’s negative ratings – he was new in the job and had plenty of time to turn things about once people got to know him. He has now been in the job for well over six months – Labour would be right to be concerned about perceptions of Miliband.

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