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Labour's First Anniversary in Opposition

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It doesn't seem to be working though does it judging by this recent yougov poll?


The regular trackers would appear to have been impacted by the elections at the start of the month – David Cameron’s net approval is up slightly to minus 1 (from minus 3 last week), Ed Miliband’s approval is down to minus 21 (from minus 12 last week), which equals his lowest rating to date. Nick Clegg’s rating is minus 52 (from minus 50 a week ago), his lowest rating ever.


YouGov also asked about perceptions of the two main party leaders – primarily aimed at seeing to what extent if any Cameron was becoming seen as arrogant or unpleasant. People saw Cameron as arrogant by 46% to 39%, but he was seen as likeable by slightly more people (45%) than saw him as dislikable (42%) and, overall, public perceptions of him are still positive. His is seen as strong (by 51% to 27%), competent (by 52% to 30%) and as up-to-the-job (by 48% to 36%). His big weakness is not arrogance, but being seen in touch with ordinary people – 30% think Cameron is in touch, but 53% think he is not (which, of course, probably plays into the Conservative party’s wider problem of being seen as a party for the rich).


Looking at how people answered the same questions about Ed Miliband, the most positive findings were that Miliband was seen as honest (by 41% to 18%) and open-minded (by 42% to 22%). The most negative were that Miliband was seen as weak (by 44% to 19%), not up-to-the-job (by 45% to 25%) and unlikeable (by 45% to 31%). I’ve been cautious in the past about concluding too much from Miliband’s negative ratings – he was new in the job and had plenty of time to turn things about once people got to know him. He has now been in the job for well over six months – Labour would be right to be concerned about perceptions of Miliband.


Oh I dunno - I think that Labour have exactly what they want and need. If the next Govt is Labour, and that's a big if it will be a Miliband one. But it'll be the other brother after this sacrificial goat has been bloodlet in a very public and messy fashion.

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But I am able to give as good I get, only I didn't start it first. I will finish it though.

You're a bit like an alcoholic dwarf - you're OK when the bar is very low.




I was really hoping that Labour would put together a decent and credible opposition to keep the government honest and keen. Sadly they seem to have elected a leader who can't find words and a shadow cabinet that can't find policies. It's not good enough.


Perhaps we'll have to wait for a new generation to come through on the opposing benches but it's hard to see how Labour could win an election with the current team of lame ducks and old lags.

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I was really hoping that Labour would put together a decent and credible opposition to keep the government honest and keen. Sadly they seem to have elected a leader who can't find words and a shadow cabinet that can't find policies. It's not good enough.


Me too. Its just like the old days with Ian Duncan Smith and Menzies Campbell in opposition - they were rubbish and Labour took advantage of that.


Yes, I might be a Tory, but I don't want my government having an easy time of it. If they're doing something wrong I want the opposition to say so - but give credible reasons and alternatives.


Yes, we know Labour say they wouldn't have cut so deep - or at all - but without evidence or figures to back it up, they're no better than the lame trollers on here.

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Me too. Its just like the old days with Ian Duncan Smith and Menzies Campbell in opposition - they were rubbish and Labour took advantage of that.


Yes, I might be a Tory, but I don't want my government having an easy time of it. If they're doing something wrong I want the opposition to say so - but give credible reasons and alternatives.


Yes, we know Labour say they wouldn't have cut so deep - or at all - but without evidence or figures to back it up, they're no better than the lame trollers on here.


They may not even bother.They may think it is okay to carry on with this



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