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Forum friends you lose touch with

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Editing to add: I meant KEL wasn't dead, not Jabbers! he's alive and kicking if facebook if anything to go by.... ;)


I did wonder when you posted that originally.....surely everyone on the planet get Jabber Facebook updates every 20 seconds! :D

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Most people I've interacted with through the forum, if I've wanted them to stay in my life in some way, they have and have become real friends or at the very least I keep in touch with them through bookface.

Miniminch is the person I miss the most, I have his mobile number but all of a sudden, he deleted me on f/b, and twitter and refused to answer my messages. I dunno what I did to upset him but he did the same to someone else at the same time so I suspect he wanted to cut his forum ties.

Preacherman also suddenly stopped talking to me too but I suspect that was to do with personal circumstances. Either that or I'm a right cowbag.



Comical posters I miss are T020, Slim Sid - where is he?? and Don Kiddick who was always friendly via PM but I don't know any of them in real life.

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I used to see one of the assistant Mods on here, Plain Talker around Town regularly, not seen her for ages though, shame, she's really nice, she and a friend came on a foodie meet I once organised way back when I was a newbie (remember that Italian place in Crookes PT?)


:wave: I certainly remember wearing duffman's dessert down my back, courtesy of that waitress there, lol lol lol. other than that, the meal that night wasn't bad, and we all had a nice time, and a good natter.


I've not heard from Kristian or BoroughGal in forever. So hit me up, homies! :hihi:


Someone (can't remember who) told me BoroughGal got married. Congrats kiddo! pm me why don't you. You too, Kristian. :)


BG did get married :love: a few months ago. and Kristian is all snuggly and loved up with his OH :love: :love:

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I remember being at a forum meet and people saying that Jabbers isn't one man, but a group of people writing for comedic effect! I almost believed it as he is so funny.


When I was a n00b I remember people telling me that Geoff didn't exist and that either Tony or Joe was actually Geoff. Now, apparently people have decided that I'm Geoff :huh:


If I'm Geoff then I've spent a very long time talking to myself over Skype in the last few years ;)


And far too many people have met me than to ever think that I'm a figment of people's imagination.

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Its funny because at the forum meet on Monday, we were having nostalgic memories of the great posters on here. Basil, LordC , Bartfast, Don-Kiddick and Timo. God, when you got a couple of them on a thread together, then add in Jabbers, it was mind blowing !! Was like the Celebrity A list of SF.:)


Yes we were, are we mentioned quite a few who seem to have vanished/stop posting... ahhh those were the days :)

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Yes we were, are we mentioned quite a few who seem to have vanished/stop posting... ahhh those were the days :)


Bartfarst pops up now and again, in various "aliases" cos he keeps getting banned, but we all know it's him from the same racist etc views sponsored by the Daily Mail! :hihi:

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