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Ken Clarke on rape

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no it was 15, 16 is the age of consent!


Ken Clarke said on Radio 5 '[Rape] includes date rape and 17 year-olds having intercourse. Serious rape, I don't think many judges give five years for a forcible rape, frankly, the tariff is longer for that and a serious rape where there's violence and an unwilling woman, the tariff's much longer than that."




Just the tip of an iceburg in the garbled nonsense he was coming out with.... since when has rape involved a willing woman?.... when they are two 17 year olds??... the guy is an idiot.

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Ken Clarke said on Radio 5 '[Rape] includes date rape and 17 year-olds having intercourse. Serious rape, I don't think many judges give five years for a forcible rape, frankly, the tariff is longer for that and a serious rape where there's violence and an unwilling woman, the tariff's much longer than that."




Just the tip of an iceburg in the garbled nonsense he was coming out with.... since when has rape involved a willing woman?.... when they are two 17 year olds??... the guy is an idiot.


he said a 17 year old with a 15 year old, i believe!


Yep he did



It is on the radio interview down the page. The bbc have cut half of the comment on the main video because it diminishes their angle somewhat! Disgusting reporting!!

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Everyone with half a brain understands what Ken Clarke meant, he may have not put it across sensitively enough for some, but if that is the 'big deal' that some are trying to make of it, then typically, politicians will become more and more reluctant to be open and honest when interviewed. Milliband was so desperate to make a political issue of it he embarrassed himself, I do wish reason and common sense would prevail in the House of Commons, because it's like a school playground in there, and those people are 'supposed' to represent us :huh: No wonder the country is in a tangle !

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Aside from it being the topic of the thread....:loopy:




He has gone further he was apologising last night.... he must be hoping he can weather the storm from his stupid choice of words.




Oooh look I *knew*you wouldn't be able to resist the loopy smiley. do you think that abusing your opponent somehow gains you an advantage?


Please show me where Clarke said he was wrong as you claimed.

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Everyone with half a brain understands what Ken Clarke meant


I'm sure that Mucky and Wildcat know that as well but they are so ideologically entrenched they cannot possibly consider agreeing with a conservative politician, which is rather sad if truth be told. Such unswerving partisanship reminds one of a certain allegory about farms that someone wrote whcih I'm sure they would agree with, considering the colour of Orwells flag.

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Ken Clarke said on Radio 5 '[Rape] includes date rape and 17 year-olds having intercourse. Serious rape, I don't think many judges give five years for a forcible rape, frankly, the tariff is longer for that and a serious rape where there's violence and an unwilling woman, the tariff's much longer than that."




Just the tip of an iceburg in the garbled nonsense he was coming out with.... since when has rape involved a willing woman?.... when they are two 17 year olds??... the guy is an idiot.


Clarke would be an idiot if he had said that or meant that, but he didn't say that or mean that.


Who's the idiot?

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