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Ken Clarke on rape

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ive said it numerous times on here and stand by it, its ridiculous, there seems to be some strange topsy turvyness where violent criminals are getting let off and people such as the graffiti artist that got 4 years???

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as a PS... I am galled also by his point about "A serious rape with violence and an unwilling woman"


all persons, who have been raped are "unwilling":- rape, by definition is the forcing of sexual intercourse on someone who is not consenting.


Y'see that is where you are wrong and that is precisely what Clarke's point was. He wasn't making a mealy mouthed politicians byline, he was speaking as a lawyer speaking about the real world of the law and the courts.


You'll understand that when you listen to the original comment.

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The thing that I don't understand is why parts of the media seem to think that this new potential policy is only going to apply to rape. It's under consideration for all crimes.


Which is stupid in the extreme. So a rapist says " I did it it's a fair cop" and assuming he was going to get 5 years in the first place,(which is a very bid assumption ) that's down to 2 1/2. Keeps his head down he's out in 18 months. And if this is across the board for all crimes I could stab someone to death and be out in less than 4 years if I cough for it at worse. Now Im not big on the death penalty but we should at least jail criminals for an extended period of time.

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Y'see that is where you are wrong and that is precisely what Clarke's point was. He wasn't making a mealy mouthed politicians byline, he was speaking as a lawyer speaking about the real world of the law and the courts.


You'll understand that when you listen to the original comment.


I think there is something to be said for debating the application of law and it's complexities rather than sentiment towards a specific criminal act regardless of that act. I don't think also there is any room for sentiment in law.


As a politician with vast media background I think some of his comments were unwise due to ignoring the difference between legal mode and sentimental media mode.


The jury is still out for me on this one.

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He was certainly unwise to try to have a sensible and logical discussion on Radio 5 since they changed from a news station to one that batters the same point for the whole day without any thought for nuance, meaning or truth.


Perhaps he'd have had a better response on Talk Sport?

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What an idiot he is to speak about a subject like that in the the way he did,its a very touchy subject that can upset a lot of woman,and rape is rape and it can not be put any other way ,I think he has committed political suicide and he should go and take the rest of his rag tag and bob tail government with him.

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