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BBC Looking for people who were in The Manor Militaires in the 1980's

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The BBC is looking for anyone who was involved with The Manor Militaires during the 1980's for the Domesday reloaded project. In 1986 people were asked to write about their local areas for a the BBC Domesday project and one of the entries is all about The Manor Militaires. BBC Sheffield is looking to talk to anyone who was involved in the group in the 80's. Email south.yorkshire@bbc.co.uk if you were involved.




BBC Sheffield

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Me and my brother were in the Manor Militaires and the Norfolk Grenadiers in the 80's.. :)


I have a few of the old members of both bands on my facebook too..


Do you have any more info about this so I can read up on it a bit more??

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Hi Sarah


The reason I'm looking for someone who was in the manor militaires is that in 1986 the BBC did a project called Domesday when they asked people to write about their local area and someone wrote about the Manor Militaries and about them marching in Sheffield and we want to speak to someone on Radio Sheffield about the group.


The Domesday project is being revisited 25 years later and we are looking for people to update the entries with details of what life is like in 2011.


We are looking for someone to talk to us on the mid morning programme about this. If you could email me at south.yorkshire@bbc.co.uk I can send you more details.




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2 of my sisters were in the militaires in the 80s & would know most of them.I think 1 of them has emailed you after i sent her this thread.She still twiddles the brush on the garden from time to time lol.


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Hi Sarah


The reason I'm looking for someone who was in the manor militaires is that in 1986 the BBC did a project called Domesday when they asked people to write about their local area and someone wrote about the Manor Militaries and about them marching in Sheffield and we want to speak to someone on Radio Sheffield about the group.


The Domesday project is being revisited 25 years later and we are looking for people to update the entries with details of what life is like in 2011.


We are looking for someone to talk to us on the mid morning programme about this. If you could email me at south.yorkshire@bbc.co.uk I can send you more details.





Thanks for the info, Helen, but I don't have the nerve to be talking on the radio.. :blush:

But, I have posted a link to this thread on my facebook so hopefully, you should be getting a few emails soon.. :)


She still twiddles the brush on the garden from time to time lol.



I still do the same thing..:hihi:

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Now that brings back memories. I played in the band for a short while but always attended wherever they went as my 2 cousins were also in the band as were a lot of my friends..Ahh Happy days.


Yes, Steve, we know you did seeing as me and my brother are your cousins.. ;)

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