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Totley in the 50s and 60s

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Just realised that I received my lifetime ban in 2011 whilst I was involved in this thread, apparently my style of posting did not suit this forum gestapo of the day. This is now a far better run forum than it was then, albeit decimated by the plethora of bans on good posters that haven’t returned.

Edited by crookesey
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Do any old Totley residents remember when there was a fair with rides etc in a field on Mickley Lane somewhere above where they built the Shepley Spitfire ?

it would be early 60s

I was talking to someone about the fair they had off Granville Rd every year and it suddenly came to me 

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26 minutes ago, Meltman said:

I seem to recall that they had a 'fair ' of some sort within the grounds of the Cheshire Home on Mickley Lane. I can't remember when though and it may not be the one you are referring to. 

No, Meltman, I don’t think it was connected to Cheshire Homes and to be honest I’m not sure it wasn’t still Cherry Tree Orphanage at that time 

It was somewhere in a field the opposite side of the road and I remember going 2 seperate years 

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Yes I think you’re right there .

The period I’m talking about would be early 60s

There we’re plenty of kids from Cherry Tree  at Totley County when I left in 59.


When I go down Mickley Lane now I can’t get used to there being a pub there.

It always seems the most unlikeliest place to build one 

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Dreb referred to Mick Lindley who I knew very well. He lived at #23 Aldam Road before moving to Rowan Tree Dell - my sister still lives at#23! The two of us used to hang out with John Laughton who lived a couple of doors down form us in the prefabs on Aldam Road, and we occasionally met up with John Middleton (unfortunately no longer with us) who lived on Sunnyvale Road just below County School. I remember us going sledging on Wings Hill in the winter of '63 when everything was frozen, and (somewhere) I have a photo of Mick going over the 'bump' - he was actually in mid air! Perhaps we were getting a bit old for sledging by then, but great fun was had by all. After moving to Rowan Tree Dell, Mick got to know my wife Sue - who then lived across the road, and he will also remember Jennifer Crookes (now Jennifer Webster) who keenly follows the postings on Totley History Group. I wonder what happened to John Laughton? 

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Dreb also asked about trainspotting and paper rounds. Yes I was a frequent visitor to the cutting, probably from about '58 to '63. I had a paper round with Bonner's - the one with the least number of visits but the maximum mileage. I usually only had 22 to deliver - up Baslow Road, The Quadrant, Quarry Road, The Grove, and then down Main Avenue. I suppose it was Wesley's territory! Doing it on foot before school was a real challenge, so the pushbike was essential. I always seemed to wearing tyres out. I remember fitting a mileometer and covering more miles in a year than when I first got a car (1965)

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9 hours ago, Bellers said:

Dreb referred to Mick Lindley who I knew very well. He lived at #23 Aldam Road before moving to Rowan Tree Dell - my sister still lives at#23! The two of us used to hang out with John Laughton who lived a couple of doors down form us in the prefabs on Aldam Road, and we occasionally met up with John Middleton (unfortunately no longer with us) who lived on Sunnyvale Road just below County School. I remember us going sledging on Wings Hill in the winter of '63 when everything was frozen, and (somewhere) I have a photo of Mick going over the 'bump' - he was actually in mid air! Perhaps we were getting a bit old for sledging by then, but great fun was had by all. After moving to Rowan Tree Dell, Mick got to know my wife Sue - who then lived across the road, and he will also remember Jennifer Crookes (now Jennifer Webster) who keenly follows the postings on Totley History Group. I wonder what happened to John Laughton? 

Hi Clive 

Pleased to see you’re  still around 😉


As you read , I recently renewed acquaintance with Mick through a mutual friend on this very forum .

I mentioned I’d had contact with you for a while a few years ago and he asked to be remembered to you and Sue if we talked again . A lot of the names you mentioned  were brought up by Mick in conversation and I think you have mutual friends from that time that I don’t share .

Hes mentioned several other people that I can’t remember at all.

I’ll tell him you’ve posted . If you want his contact details please pm me or use my email.


Yes you’re right Bonners we’re definitely trespassing on Wesley’s area but also there was trusty Mr Perkington  from Totley PO  who was still delivering on his bike. 
I had the round doing the whole of the prefabs from Wesley’s and you’re right it was hard collar before school.

However that was a doddle compared to the round I was originally given starting on Baslow Rd and going down to Old Hay then round all the cottages and farms on Totley Bents.

A nightmare at 6am on a cold dark January morning when I started .

I stuck it a whole week before getting a transfer 


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