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Totley in the 50s and 60s

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I’ve done this tour round the old stomping ground several times and Im  glad you tried it , Meltman , as it really is an eye opener if you’ve been away as long as we both have.


The first shock for me was Lemont Rd being accessible from Green Oak Ave.

What happened to Pearsons Nursery ?

Still strange to go up the Avenue and not turn into  Baslow Rd

I think I’ve mentioned how built up it is in the Laverdene Ave , Back Lane area countless times .

It really is a shock to see all that green space eaten up..

Obviously all the streets are now lined with parked cars which makes negotiating the area quite difficult enough anyway.


On my first return trip I was amazed how what I remembered as long distances were actually really short but that a lot of the street patterns had remained the same.

The roads I played in seemed incredibly narrow


Sadly those days are fast becoming a distant memory that only a few remember 


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4 minutes ago, Dreb48 said:

I’ve done this tour round the old stomping ground several times and Im  glad you tried it , Meltman , as it really is an eye opener if you’ve been away as long as we both have.


The first shock for me was Lemont Rd being accessible from Green Oak Ave.

What happened to Pearsons Nursery ?

Still strange to go up the Avenue and not turn into  Baslow Rd

I think I’ve mentioned how built up it is in the Laverdene Ave , Back Lane area countless times .

It really is a shock to see all that green space eaten up..

Obviously all the streets are now lined with parked cars which makes negotiating the area quite difficult enough anyway.


On my first return trip I was amazed how what I remembered as long distances were actually really short but that a lot of the street patterns had remained the same.

The roads I played in seemed incredibly narrow


Sadly those days are fast becoming a distant memory that only a few remember 


I totally agree Dreb48. I had looked on Google maps and saw it was possible to turn right at the top of Green Oak Avenue and go down Lemont road. The number of times I've walked up and down Green Oak Avenue to the bus and back! The street layout is just about the same  I wished I'd gone down Aldam Way or whatever it's called, opposite the end of Green Oak Avenue, as that's where we lived in the prefab. That's for next time I guess. I must say, I found the area a bit depressing, compared to how it used to be, but that's memories for you. 

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