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Moon landing - photographic evidence?

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Did you really just link to a well sourced and long Wikipedia page entitled 'Third party evidence for the Apollo moon landings' right after saying 'I haven't seen the evidence'?


This has to be a joke right? You cannot be serious!


Nothing will convince you, your mind is closed.


No I didn't. You seem hell bent on me having my mind closed.


You need help mate. Seriously. Even more than I probably do (according to you)

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No I didn't.
So did someone hack your account and make that post then?


You seem hell bent on me having my mind closed.
You've claimed the opposite twice. I didn't bring it up, I just disagree with you.


I just get annoyed when people use 'open mind' as an excuse for believing stupid things. It is open minded to have your mind changed by evidence, not to refuse to believe things.


Even if someone did provide you with a photograph, you'd only say that it was shopped anyway.

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So did someone hack your account and make that post then?


You've claimed the opposite twice. I didn't bring it up, I just disagree with you.


I just get annoyed when people use 'open mind' as an excuse for believing stupid things. It is open minded to have your mind changed by evidence, not to refuse to believe things.


Even if someone did provide you with a photograph, you'd only say that it was shopped anyway.


By saying I didn't, since you need the clarification and cannot read the answer correctly, means that: No, my only research has not been reading the Wikipedia page and pasting the link. I hope that's clear for you. Let me know if you need the same explanation I would give to a 3 year old.


You disagreeing with me just because I'm not agreeing with your views and yet you are trying to tell me my mind is closed as if that was a given fact. Hmmm, interesting. Who's got the fixed mindset? Let me get back to you. Ahh, got it, you're head is made of stone, and your avatar is a life sized picture taken with your mobile.


And finally, why would I refuse to believe the picture taken by an independent source? Just to keep being sceptic or because that would prove you as right as you think you are?


You are a very interesting character, I'll give you that. Very interesting indeed.

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By saying I didn't, since you need the clarification and cannot read the answer correctly, means that: No, my only research has not been reading the Wikipedia page and pasting the link. I hope that's clear for you. Let me know if you need the same explanation I would give to a 3 year old.
You have completely misunderstood me I'm afraid, I made no such suggestion. Nice attempt at condescension though, A for effort. :thumbsup:


I simply thought that you must have been joking because you said 'I haven't seen any evidence' and then immediately linked to an article containing information about all sorts of different independant pieces of evidence.


You disagreeing with me just because I'm not agreeing with your views and yet you are trying to tell me my mind is closed as if that was a given fact. Hmmm, interesting. Who's got the fixed mindset?
I'd gladly believe that the moon landing was fake if I was shown enough evidence so... still you, I think.


Let me get back to you. Ahh, got it, you're head is made of stone, and your avatar is a life sized picture taken with your mobile.
Wow, how witty! I'm deeply offended. :o


And finally, why would I refuse to believe the picture taken by an independent source?
Because I think you have a closed mind.
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Awesome. I can clearly see you believe in comedy through repetition.


AND you missed the point of the thread. Go on, read the title again. Shall I sound the letters for you (I bet you'll give me an A+ this time). ;-D


Finally, you are right YOU THINK I have a closed mind. I know I don't.

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So.... tell us, why is it that you want those nice guys from mythbusters to die a slow painful death?


That'd be off topic.


See if you can find some info on the web for that so you can quote some "factual" information you believe to be true and has to be so just because you think it is that way.

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