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Is SF a playground for conspiracy theorists?

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I have a friend who thinks that the royal family are aliens...really.:suspect:


If they were aliens (lol, really), someone would have outed them. Unless they were magicians at hiding their alien DNA from the world!

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If they were aliens (lol, really), someone would have outed them. Unless they were magicians at hiding their alien DNA from the world!


Its the "illuminati" thing...Unfortunately, some people believe everything, they need to watch this by Michael Sherma, we all need a balony detection kit...


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It's not about dabuckle personally. I thought he/she was joking.

No, he wasn't joking, that's how he is.

Where's your proof that there isn't an invisible intangible unicorn floating in the air right above your head controlling all your thoughts?

Heheheh, I miss Grahame. I'd much prefer to have him back than have all these cloned threads/spam.

I see a pyramid in that diagram!!!!

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In short yes it is. I remember anti Thatcher threads being banned because they apparently made the forum look bad, despite it being Sheffield Forum, e.g. not Hampshire forum. Strangely the powers that be allow fruitcakes to peddle at best insane myths and at worst despicable lies that are deeply offensive to the relatives of the victims of 7/7 and 9/11. As our American cousins say, go figure.

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