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5 Month old daughter injured by tesco!!

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thread can now be closed, i hav a copy and let me add, i hav hardly any help at all!!! cheers


You have all the help you need.


You also need more help learning how to look after a child. Don't push them in the way of something that can hurt them, like a powered metal bar. Would you leave them half in and out of a lift door? Or push them onto a zebra crossing just expecting the cars to stop? Of course not. So what on earth makes you think that a rotating turnstile is going to be any different?


When (if) you get to court - think on that because it'll be asked, you will have no answer and you get to pay the costs of the other side - and Tesco will take great delight in screwing you into the ground for it.

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YOU DONT UNDERSTAND!!!! brain damage from the radiation of the CT SCAN!!!!!! VERY HIGH RISK on a 5 month old!!!!


Read man!! FFS!!!


Who agreed to this. ?

You. ? :loopy:


It's a bloody bruise.


Nothing to see here, move on. :help:

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At the end of the day, i havnt seen the bruise, but the fact of the matter is as matoo says these auto gates are supposed to open for you and gently close behind you not half open then spring back like baseball player swinging for a ball half knocking a baby out.

you could probably make demands that the gate be fixed and the tesco lawyers would be rubbing thier hands in glee at that thought because they have got away scott free when you as a consequence of this may have a child who develops learning difficulties or other problems long after the statute of limitations has expired.

I say take them to court and get what your child is due. if you dont want the cash personally you could put it in a trust fund for the baby and if the child does develope normally the money could be used to pay uni fee's or as a deposit on a home, tesco makes billions of pounds per anum and i expect they have paid out for a hell of a lot less than what has happened in your case.

Oh and just ignore the knockers on here, if they were in your position they wouldnt even ask for advice, they'd probably be looking through the yellow pages for the "wheres theres blame theres a claim " merchants

good luck in whatever you decide to do

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And yet again!!!! I will say, why did they apoligise and admit the barrier was faulty??


Bloody hell man, is there no such thing as an accident in your eyes. ?

If you tripped at home causing the same injury to the kid would you sue yourself. ?

I doubt it.


Accidents happen, claim or move on, don't look for sympathy here because i doubt you'll get any, not from me anyway.

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