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Degrees of rape - The poll

Does rape come in degrees?  

163 members have voted

  1. 1. Does rape come in degrees?

    • Yes - Lots of types - some worse than others
    • No - It's all equally bad
    • I have no idea

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I used to think that if someone made false allegaations of rape, that they should then be given the same sentence that a rapist would have recieved.


I'm not too sure now.


Should the same apply for other false allegations? Claims of false imprisonment, claims of assault, it's even possible to make false claims of murder.


I'm still unsure, I can probably be swayed either way at the moment.

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Well (obviously) it isn't obvious is it?


Im afraid the language will have to be a bit industrial-Rape is the moment a man's genitals enter someone else's orifices without consent-nothing else, there cant be varying degrees of that.


So a woman who's been taken from the streets by the balaclava'd man, abused sexually without penetration-hasn't been raped.


One who's been out for a date with a man, ends up back at his house but doesn't want to have sex with him, but maintains a silence whilst he has sex with her anyway, has.


They are different offences, but the first scenario would probably attract the higher sentence.


How many times this has to be repeated and totally ignored is a bit shameful really. I don't see any reference to children, gangs, husbands, infants, Blacks, Whites within the present definition of rape law.

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Silly tarts who go out dressed like hoes and getting blind drunk do not deserve as much legal protection as prioity as those genuinely innocent women.


The ridiculous law that men can do a few strokes (consented) inside but have to suddenly stop at his critical moment because a girl says 'no'... is bloody stupid.


Tyson, for example, was fellated by Washington in a cab - and fully satiated in a hotel room -before his 'conviction'...what a load...


Yes of course they do.




You're actually saying that rape is alright there aren't you?





Her fellating him in the cab, consenting or coerced does not mean she wasn't raped.


Halibut, yes- girls who dress like professional slappers deserve what they get in the scenario above. As do serial or date rapists by what women (and most men) feel they should. By the above description, decent girls don't.


aelfheah, I do hope that opinion is just you trying to be controversial or playing devil's advocate.


It does not matter a jot how a woman is dressed, be she dressed provocatively, or covered up in a nun's habit/ burqa... it is up to the man to keep himself under control enough not to pounce on her.


A woman could walk down the road in a bikini, it does not mean she is asking to be/ deserving of rape. No-one has the right to violate her.

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Halibut, yes- girls who dress like professional slappers deserve what they get in the scenario above. As do serial or date rapists by what women (and most men) feel they should. By the above description, decent girls don't.


No they don't deserve it. Not now, not ever, not if they were to wander around in front of you stark naked with a fetching grin. No means no. It's really not a difficult concept.

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Halibut, yes- girls who dress like professional slappers deserve what they get in the scenario above. As do serial or date rapists by what women (and most men) feel they should. By the above description, decent girls don't.


May I just say in response to this that prostitutes don't deserve raping...


Or do you think they deserve all they get (it sounds as though that's what you're saying)

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May I just say in response to this that prostitutes don't deserve raping...


Or do you think they deserve all they get (it sounds as though that's what you're saying)


If you're gonna have sex with them, you should at least pay first.

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They would be daft to dress like that, or not be dressed as the case may be, but in no way does anyone deserve it.



I've always thought it right that my girlfriend wear mink and wellies while on holiday in Mauritius where hundreds of women walk half naked freely, where rape is almost negligible.

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The degree of the evilness, doesn't define the damage that is done by the animals that do it. The consequences of this can be dire. You can't compare one person pain threshold to anothers. Same as you can't define one "level" of rape and it's repurcussions to another.

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