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Degrees of rape - The poll

Does rape come in degrees?  

163 members have voted

  1. 1. Does rape come in degrees?

    • Yes - Lots of types - some worse than others
    • No - It's all equally bad
    • I have no idea

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I'm now beginning to understand you problem, I said I'm with the majority






Now if you don't understand which is the majority here just say so and uncle Bassman will help you out and explain percentages starting with the big number at the top means more than the smaller number in the middle.

I really think that you should be in the bottom catagory not because you're an A**hole its just that it is below the others.


Why is it you never answer any of my points?:suspect:


I don't have a problem, I know which way I voted, I was a little confused in the way you voted is all. In one breath you say rape is rape and in another you say rape is defined by degree. Make your mind up very simple person.:D

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Why is it you never answer any of my points?:suspect:


I don't have a problem, I know which way I voted, I was a little confused in the way you voted is all. In one breath you say rape is rape and in another you say rape is defined by degree. Make your mind up very simple person.:D

Rubbish, my view has been the same right from the start, which is, that although rape is rape there are, like many other crimes, various degrees etc of rape hence I voted with the majority.
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The only conclusion I see is like the rest who voted yes voted in a kneejerk fashion. That really doesn't come as a surprise. Cleverly the first post added a few titbits for the gutter to latch onto to influence the vote.


The poll asks "Does rape come in degrees? As has been pointed out, no it doesn't.


Circumstances surrounding a case do.


The poll question doesn't ask ' Does the circumstance surrounding rape come in degrees'.


The poll question was poor but the understanding of the question of most is even poorer, because the "yes" vote was loaded.


Suffy, ron and BF etc got it right.

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Yes, rape is rape no matter what, why is that so hard to understand? If you stick yr dick in someone when they don't want you to..you've raped them. The circumstances of it would be taken into account, assuming it were proved and reflected in the sentencing.


So you are saying that in this scenario that I may as well continue until Ive finished?

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So you are saying that in this scenario that I may as well continue until Ive finished?



:D If you feel the need to. If you're a rapist I don't think the question would make a blind bit of difference. If you're not a rapist and was asked to withdraw...you'd do that unless you think saying no after initially saying yes is just not cricket old boy.

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:D If you feel the need to. If you're a rapist I don't think the question would make a blind bit of difference. If you're not a rapist and was asked to withdraw...you'd do that unless you think saying no after initially saying yes is just not cricket old boy.


If, if, if, if, if, yet more waffle, so half way through intercourse it is alleged you were asked to stop, no witnesses present no recording made of the alleged request.

How can rape be proved in that case other than in your inbalanced world?


The truth is that it can't and can't in some other cases as well but once again not in your one track mind.

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I also think that the name of the accuser should be published if they're going to publish the name of the accused.



To be named you have to be charged, to be charged there has to be sufficient evidence. There's no need to mention the victims name considering the ordeal of rape she's just been through.


If a woman is to proceed with false allegations and is proven otherwise then you'll have no fear of your pound of flesh as the courts will act accordingly.


The present law works pretty well, I'm sure it doesn't need your illogical thinking.

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All rape (apart from statutory rape) is the same uiw, in my opinion, since it's forcing someone to have sex with you without their consent-that should be the baseline starting point.


The offence should be aggravated/mitigated by other factors (as you describe), but the over-riding issue should be whether consent was given or implied.

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