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Nuisance Kids On Mothers Property

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My 86 year old mother is having trouble with kids from a particular family, they run all over her garden, play football in her drive, kick the ball into her front window and garage door, and give her cheek if she says anything.


I had a word with them a while ago but their father stopped me in the street a couple of days later and told me to keep out of his kids business, he had given them permission to play on my mothers property. He thought that he had picked on a soft touch as I'm 64, until I told him that if it happened again I would be coming to settle matters with him, I'm 6 feet three, 15 stones and very fit, he now tries to stare me out when he sees me, but fails miserably and slinks away.


What is my chance of getting an ASBO placed on the kids? I really think that it ought to be placed on ther father, but they don't do that do they? I dare not have another go at him as I will no doubt do something that I will regret. The police are useless in these matters, they send a CPO with no power, the guy will ignore them and think that he's beaten me.


Has anyone any experience in these matters?

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. He thought that he had picked on a soft touch as I'm 64, until I told him that if it happened again I would be coming to settle matters with him, I'm 6 feet three, 15 stones and very fit


Good on you .........

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Give your mother an airgun?


Or buy her a doberman?


I'm as good as a Doberman luv, and I own four of the most powerful air pistols in the world, I would never consider using them against a human being, other than beating them over the head with one.


There's a recently retired police officer who lives near her, I might just see if he can suggest something.

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