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Are you prepared for zombie apocalypse?

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And if you heard stories about the dead coming to life what would you do? Laugh or nail your doors shut? Do you think everybody else would react any differently?
I think once it was accompanied by several hundred independant videos taken on camera phones all over the internet people would start taking it pretty seriously, this is the 21st century! It would be worldwide knowledge that zombies have risen in a matter of hours.




You really thinks so? What are your chances of infection from the air spread bird flu compared by the chances of catching, welll, Zombiesm? Perhaps a better comparison would be Rabies? Imagine a form of Rabies which infected every victim bitten by the rabid animal.
Yes, that is exactly what I'm imagining. Biting is an awful way to spread disease, its extremely slow. That's why there's never been a full blown rabies pandemic.


Politicians would bury their heads so deep in the sand they'd suffocate! Look at previous history to see how Politicians react to a crisis. First denial then blame then action, usually too late and insufficient at that!
Don't buy it, this is zombies we're talking about, not an oil spill or a natural disaster, I think they'd be taking it pretty seriously.



By the time the military gets to that point we're history. If things got to the point the Military are considering machine gunning zombies it is far too late.
Whys that? The disease would spread very slowly, because of the inefficient transmission method.


How many soldiers at that stage are going to be listening to their commanders and how many are going to be trying to rescue their own families?
The same amount of soldiers who have done for every defending army in history when their country is being invaded, loads and loads.


Oh and depending upon the genre you'd need live animals or people :D
Use live animals then, I'm not squeamish!
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You might want to consider how some parasitic wasps lavae can affect their victims, getting caterpillars to defend the pupae whilst they are dying. Impossible is a VERY big word! :rolleyes:


I am aware of those awesomely cool wasps, however something worth considering is that our brains are several million times more complex than that of an insect.

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I am aware of those awesomely cool wasps, however something worth considering is that our brains are several million times more complex than that of an insect.


How about the brain of a rat? Have a look at the brain parasite in the link I gave earlier!

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Heheh, if you get time have a look at this. It's purely for entertainment value and full of holes, but worth a read :hihi:

I like the one about nanobots.


Oh well if we're playing that game I'll see your 5 reasons and raise you 2! ;) (love cracked!)


sample quote


"if we look at zombies as a species, they are pretty much designed for failure. Their main form of reproduction is also their only source of food and their top predator. If they want to eat or reproduce, they have to go toe to toe with their number one predator every single time. That's like having to fight a lion every time you to want to have sex or make a sandwich. Actually, it's worse than that: Most top predators are only armed with teeth and claws, meaning they have to put themselves in harm's way to score a kill. Humans have rifles."

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Oh well if we're playing that game I'll see your 5 reasons and raise you 2! ;) (love cracked!)


sample quote


"if we look at zombies as a species, they are pretty much designed for failure. Their main form of reproduction is also their only source of food and their top predator. If they want to eat or reproduce, they have to go toe to toe with their number one predator every single time. That's like having to fight a lion every time you to want to have sex or make a sandwich. Actually, it's worse than that: Most top predators are only armed with teeth and claws, meaning they have to put themselves in harm's way to score a kill. Humans have rifles."


Ah I knew you'd find that, but I think personally it'd be a case of how we react and how fast we do it. The above presumes that we'd react accordingly and kill zombies in the early stages.

If zombies took over and wiped us out, yes they'd not last for long either. But still, we'd be wiped out.

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