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Are you prepared for zombie apocalypse?

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Ah I knew you'd find that, but I think personally it'd be a case of how we react and how fast we do it. The above presumes that we'd react accordingly and kill zombies in the early stages.

If zombies took over and wiped us out, yes they'd not last for long either. But still, we'd be wiped out.


Absolutely no way would we be wiped out. Even if you are right and think that the zombies will overwhelm us (which I do not agree with) there would doubtless be survivors in pockets all over the world, and like you said, the zombies would not last long. If it did come down to it it would simply be a case of waiting a few weeks for them to starve and then getting down to some serious re-population action. :love:

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Absolutely no way would we be wiped out. Even if you are right and think that the zombies will overwhelm us (which I do not agree with) there would doubtless be survivors in pockets all over the world, and like you said, the zombies would not last long. If it did come down to it it would simply be a case of waiting a few weeks for them to starve and then getting down to some serious re-population action. :love:


As I seem to be the most prepared on here I extend an invitation to any and all females who wish to "survive" with me ;)

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Ok another question, how far back in time would the zombies go back? What i mean is would we have cave men type zombies or egyptian mummys trying to turn us in to mincemeat or would it be just the recent undead? which ever I am in trouble cos i live 5 mins from a huge cematary lol


Hmm time travelling zombis, dint think of that


hm now ive got a picture in my mind of delorean driving time travelling zombies, cheers :(

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My armoury is well stocked for when we're invaded by Zombie mice or rats but not humans


Actually, several of those can be modified fairly easily to be more than effective at killing human zombies. The Gunpower Stealth on the end is the easiest, the conversion takes a few minutes.

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Actually, several of those can be modified fairly easily to be more than effective at killing human zombies. The Gunpower Stealth on the end is the easiest, the conversion takes a few minutes.


I'd rather stay on the right side of the law and keep the below 12ft lbs muzzle energy, airguns tend to become harsh to shoot when they are 'turned up', but seeing how you knew that gun was a Stealth- I reckon you probably know that;)


BTW, The Career has more potential for upping the power than the Stealth, you probably know that in 22cal, these can perform at 80ft lbs ME with a full charge, with a 45cal barrel, they are good for 250ft lbs, there plenty of them in the US but it's a bit barmy as you get extremely few shots per charge...


I much prefer the smoothness of the lower power output:D




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