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Are you prepared for zombie apocalypse?

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Stab vests and flak jackets actually cover very little. The torso isn't exactly an area that's easy to bite anyway, I'd be more concerned with limbs, face/neck areas.


fair point, hence the leg and arm armor.


Id probably go for steel toe capped boots as well as you don't want your footwear falling apart and can be used as a weapon.

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Jams. Reportedly a lot. Kicks harder than a smaller calibre. Heavy. 5.56 ammo hard to come by in the UK.


22 is plenty enough for an incapacitating headshot (according to Max Brooks anyway), with ammo, rifles, silencers (important, that!) and parts plentiful throughout the UK.

decent sword
Cuts, doesn't crush and has little weight.


A staff is better, lighter than mace but equivalent hit force with swinging momentum, and easy to use for tripping.


You need a well trained K9 as well, to bark and stop-walk for attracting the problem a long way away, before circling wide slowly back to you.


Though given half the chance and enough notice, I'd fold back to our pad in France, where I have a stash of...erm..."long-ranging defence options" with crates and crates of ammo, a well, a large and fully stonewall-fenced vegetables garden, and enough stable room for cattle and poultry.


Them Russians never came in the end, but the local plod has never raised the matter since, soooo...bring on the undead! :D

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If you DO already have one, how would you know it's decent?

Plenty of people buy "Skeggy" sword sets, thinking them to be decent enough to use, even suppliers like Battle Orders only sell crap that would be more harm to the user than to a zombie.


Because mine is one piece, and tempered - not made out of cheap 440 grade steel....

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