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Are you prepared for zombie apocalypse?

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In some fiction I've read Zombies thrive in the cold and are born from the cold, so I guess it would depend on what kind of zombie outbreak we've got.


I mean, we should at least know whether they're classic shuffle zombies, or modern sprinting ones, that would change all the tactics required.

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In some fiction I've read Zombies thrive in the cold and are born from the cold, so I guess it would depend on what kind of zombie outbreak we've got.


I mean, we should at least know whether they're classic shuffle zombies, or modern sprinting ones, that would change all the tactics required.


Oh come on FJ, you're a man of knowledge and facts so I KNOW you're pulling our leg on this one!!!


Physics dictates that the colder a body is, the more restricted its movement, this applies to the undead too.


Sprinting zombies are fiction, everyone knows that!!! :hihi:

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Ive dug out a safe bunker and have a range of high powered weaponry at hand just incase of this very occurance...


Have you got room for me? :hihi: i'll bring a torch and biscuits :D


Safe bunker? !!!!!!


Dead-end death pit, once the ammo and biscuits have run out more like!!!!!! :o



Come on, you need to think properly about this stuff!

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Ok a question for all zombie experts, My son wants to know if there was a zombie infestation would it just be the human undead to come and eat us all or would the undead animals come back to have a munch as well? If thats the case crash helmets is a must , undead blackbirds pecking at your head is gonna hurt:hihi:

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Ok a question for all zombie experts, My son wants to know if there was a zombie infestation would it just be the human undead to come and eat us all or would the undead animals come back to have a munch as well? If thats the case crash helmets is a must , undead blackbirds pecking at your head is gonna hurt:hihi:


Good point, It would all depend of the cause of the zombie pandemic.


1. Biological/viral- it would depend on the strain of the virus or parasite, many will only affect humans just like many will only affect certain types of animals. I think in this case there would be a good chance it's humans only, who knows though?


2. Supernatural- a curse, a punishment from God, the planets aligning? I think it'd be humans only, as we're the only species guilty of crimes against life and nature. Of course the supernatural is a ridiculous notion :hihi:!!!!

Anyway, back to zombies....


3. Scientific experimentation- all species are up for grabs here. Neurogenesis experiments have already been carried out on animals for years.

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Oh come on FJ, you're a man of knowledge and facts so I KNOW you're pulling our leg on this one!!!


Physics dictates that the colder a body is, the more restricted its movement, this applies to the undead too.


Sprinting zombies are fiction, everyone knows that!!! :hihi:


Ah, but zombies are less likely to decay in such a cold environment so what you gain in the slowness of the zombie due to the cold, you lose in the zombie being 'operational' for a longer period. I'd say your best bet is a warm humid environment where the zombie will decay quickly therefore being a threat for a shorter period of time. Personally, I think a lot of the people portrayed in zombie movies are only slightly more intelligent than the zombies themselves.

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