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Are you prepared for zombie apocalypse?

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Ah, but zombies are less likely to decay in such a cold environment so what you gain in the slowness of the zombie due to the cold, you lose in the zombie being 'operational' for a longer period. I'd say your best bet is a warm humid environment where the zombie will decay quickly therefore being a threat for a shorter period of time.

Not only would they be slower, they would most likely completely freeze (emitting little or no heat). Yes they would be preserved, but in suspended animation. All you would have to do is periodically go out and "sweep" the area near your shelter/refuge, dispatching all frozen zombehs with a swift blow from your trusty RootsBooster zombie tool. Also there would be an advantage of less zombies due to a smaller human population in the first place.

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Not only would they be slower, they would most likely completely freeze (emitting little or no heat). Yes they would be preserved, but in suspended animation. All you would have to do is periodically go out and "sweep" the area near your shelter/refuge, dispatching all frozen zombehs with a swift blow from your trusty RootsBooster zombie tool. Also there would be an advantage of less zombies due to a smaller human population in the first place.


You are making the assumption that zombies are operating using the same chemical methods as a human being would use, difficult to justify, where is the oxygen coming from? for the muscles to burn for movement. Also have you considered why there are so few humans present? You would find self-sufficiency very difficult to maintain in such a harsh environment. Personally I have a chainmail hauberk, two full sets of biking leathers and a sword, which could be sharpened, if needed, and some skill in using it (medieval re-inactment training:D) I've yet to meet a sword which ran out of ammo! and the protection provided by a combination of chainmail, leather and a crash helmet would provide reasonable protection from anything less than a mob attack.

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I'm not even worried about a zombie apocolypse, and I think all zombie films are ridiculous.


Not because zombies are impossible, I can let that slide, but because a modern military would completely destroy them, life would be back to normal in a few weeks max.

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Not because zombies are impossible, I can let that slide, but because a modern military would completely destroy them, life would be back to normal in a few weeks max.


Zombie films are ridiculous but..

If we assume that from being bitten by a zombie it takes 24 hours for the disease to affect the victim, if we assume that once the victim succumbs to the disease they 'get up' after another 1 - 24 hrs it seems to me the war will have already pretty much have been lost before the military even got involved. How are the military going to help? You would be looking at days before the military could even begin to respond and how would it respond? My suspicion is that the military would end up being dragged into the inner cities, an environment which is more suitable for zombies than military. Also bare in mind the military are ruled by the Politicians, so until the military declare Martial Law, something the Politicians will fight against, the military have their hands tied. Initially you have the confusion of the initial period, somebody, who at first glance looks alive walks towards you, you wouldn't neccessarily notice. Most people, psychopaths excluded, have an inbuilt unwillingness to behave violently towards neighbours/etc which in the initial period of the 'infection' would allow the disease to spread frighteningly quickly. Don't believe me? Look at how difficult it has been to control something as 'benign' as bird flu?

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You are making the assumption that zombies are operating using the same chemical methods as a human being would use, difficult to justify, where is the oxygen coming from? for the muscles to burn for movement. Also have you considered why there are so few humans present? You would find self-sufficiency very difficult to maintain in such a harsh environment.

No I'm not, I'm saying they'd freeze.


Personally I have a chainmail hauberk, two full sets of biking leathers and a sword, which could be sharpened, if needed, and some skill in using it (medieval re-inactment training:D) I've yet to meet a sword which ran out of ammo! and the protection provided by a combination of chainmail, leather and a crash helmet would provide reasonable protection from anything less than a mob attack.

Good, that's the kinda stuff you need, I'd only use the chainmail for short-range high risk ventures though, it will tire you out in the long run. Leathers should provide enough protection from the odd chance/surprise bite.

I'm not even worried about a zombie apocolypse, and I think all zombie films are ridiculous.


Not because zombies are impossible, I can let that slide, but because a modern military would completely destroy them, life would be back to normal in a few weeks max.

You'd think so wouldn't you, then the book World War Z comes along and makes you think a bit more about how effective conventional tactics would(n't) be against them.


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Zombie films are ridiculous but..

If we assume that from being bitten by a zombie it takes 24 hours for the disease to affect the victim, if we assume that once the victim succumbs to the disease they 'get up' after another 1 - 24 hrs it seems to me the war will have already pretty much have been lost before the military even got involved. How are the military going to help? You would be looking at days before the military could even begin to respond and how would it respond? My suspicion is that the military would end up being dragged into the inner cities, an environment which is more suitable for zombies than military. Also bare in mind the military are ruled by the Politicians, so until the military declare Martial Law, something the Politicians will fight against, the military have their hands tied. Initially you have the confusion of the initial period, somebody, who at first glance looks alive walks towards you, you wouldn't neccessarily notice. Most people, psychopaths excluded, have an inbuilt unwillingness to behave violently towards neighbours/etc which in the initial period of the 'infection' would allow the disease to spread frighteningly quickly. Don't believe me? Look at how difficult it has been to control something as 'benign' as bird flu?


100% correct, in fact BECAUSE (most) zombie films are ridiculous, combined with the above, by the time the military get involved it would be way too late. Who's going to believe initial or even widespread reports of zombies?

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I'm not even worried about a zombie apocolypse...


Heheh I don't think any of us are actually worried about it, just a "what if" thread that Mel started out as fun.


(I didn't just say that by the way, trust nobody and batten up your windows.)

Edited by RootsBooster
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People are like sheep. If you drop a wolf in a field with one thousand sheep what do you think will happen? One dead wolf or one thousand dead sheep? Once the initial outbreak had been confirmed, people would try to flee, creating bottlenecks perfect for transmissiion of the disease and in the process spreading the disease even more quickly.

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Zombie films are ridiculous but..

If we assume that from being bitten by a zombie it takes 24 hours for the disease to affect the victim, if we assume that once the victim succumbs to the disease they 'get up' after another 1 - 24 hrs it seems to me the war will have already pretty much have been lost before the military even got involved. How are the military going to help? You would be looking at days before the military could even begin to respond and how would it respond? My suspicion is that the military would end up being dragged into the inner cities, an environment which is more suitable for zombies than military. Also bare in mind the military are ruled by the Politicians, so until the military declare Martial Law, something the Politicians will fight against, the military have their hands tied. Initially you have the confusion of the initial period, somebody, who at first glance looks alive walks towards you, you wouldn't neccessarily notice. Most people, psychopaths excluded, have an inbuilt unwillingness to behave violently towards neighbours/etc which in the initial period of the 'infection' would allow the disease to spread frighteningly quickly. Don't believe me? Look at how difficult it has been to control something as 'benign' as bird flu?


I don't buy that at all to be honest.


Firstly, we are all genre savvy, we know about zombies (that's something else that always annoys me about zombie stories, that none of the characters have ever heard of zombies, they've been a significant part of pop culture for decade now!). We'd be shouting 'zombies' pretty quickly. Your comparison to bird flu is not really warranted because zombism is not an airborne pathogen (at least not in any fiction I've come across), it would not spread as fast.


Your point about politicians not wanting to call for martial law is, imo completely ridiculous, of course they would, straight away, they've seen dawn of the dead too! This is frickin' zombies we're talking about!


And so what if the military gets dragged into the inner cities, they have helicopters and machine guns, combine the two and no zombie need be feared. Use dead animals as bait and the jobs a good'n.

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