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Do exams prove intelligence

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Most exams don't set out to measure either memory or intelligence. They usually aim to test a person's knowledge and how well they can apply that knowledge.


Having said that, without a good memory you'll struggle to acquire knowledge, and without intelligence you'll struggle to apply it.


I would argue application of knowledge is a measure of intelligence, learning or the ability to learn is intelligence. Then again you can improve memory to a great degree, its a skill. But this wont necessarily mean you can pass any exam.


I think a lot of people can pass any exam with the right application, you just need some intelligence to start with.

My mate was diagnosed with dyselxia and told he would never pass exams, 20 years later he is a PHD and has taught masters English language!! he did it through NLP and alternative ways of learning, not the usual way they teach in schools.

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Some exams just ask the candidate to regurgitate stuff they learned rather than apply information in context and expand upon it. Regurgitation is not progressive, it shows what you have learned, not how you have learned or improved your/other peoples' knowledge.

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Some people don't. I have known a few with photographic memories: some had brains to go with it, and some were dumber than a sack of mice.


Dont be so hard on yourself-a sack of mice can be quite clever at locating cheese and small holes!

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Some exams just ask the candidate to regurgitate stuff they learned rather than apply information in context and expand upon it. Regurgitation is not progressive, it shows what you have learned, not how you have learned or improved your/other peoples' knowledge.


As demonstrated by flies when being sick and sea-birds feeding young.

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I would argue application of knowledge is a measure of intelligence, learning or the ability to learn is intelligence. Then again you can improve memory to a great degree, its a skill. But this wont necessarily mean you can pass any exam.


I think a lot of people can pass any exam with the right application, you just need some intelligence to start with.

My mate was diagnosed with dyselxia and told he would never pass exams, 20 years later he is a PHD and has taught masters English language!! he did it through NLP and alternative ways of learning, not the usual way they teach in schools.


Well lets hope he can help,his mates who may be dyselxic/dizlexic/dyslewasxic###get muddled when spelling.What is Masters' Englislh Language -abc for control freaks?

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