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When you get older will you turn to god?

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From what I've read in this thread yes. But you just said that you've only ever met one person who tried to impose their beliefs on you, to which you replied you would never convert, they gave you a bible which you are now reading and you are a Christian, is that correct?


Sorry I don't usually get involved in the religious threads on here, they get fairly prickly!


No dear, like I said in my last post I am not a Christian. I have some issues with certain stories within the Bible. However, I do believe there is a god.. :)





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...Of course people can become quite extreme in voicing their religion. I see them as being passionate, but if they start hurling abuse... They are clearing not practising their faith correctly.


Why aren't they practising their faith correctly? When Jesus was hurling abuse (he called people everything from pig to a dog - and used a whip), was he practising his faith correctly? Now, from what I understand about Christianity, Christians are supposed to emulate Jesus. So it seems to me that abusive Christians are practising their faith correctly.

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You don't have to be old to turn to God.Could just be circumstances people may find themselves in.For example: A plane load of Atheists flying over the Atlantic,and the pilot tells them they may not be enough fuel to get them to the airport.How many of those Atheist passengers would bring their hands together and ask the good lord to save their asses?


Just a thought!


It's a plane full of atheists.


You might as well propose the same scenario for a plane full of Protestant Christians and ask how many would bring their hands together and ask Allah to save them, or ask how many on a plane full of people who don't believe in astrology would consult their horoscope....

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