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Israel approves 1,500 settler homes in East Jerusalem

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'Peace' (Israeli-style) :cool:




An Israeli government committee approved Thursday the construction of more than 1,500 settler homes in East Jerusalem, as Israel’s prime minister prepared to leave for talks in Washington.


A spokeswoman for the Ir Amim non-governmental organization, which calls for Palestinians and Israelis to share Jerusalem, confirmed that the Interior Ministry planning committee gave final approval for the project.

The decision authorized construction of 620 homes in the settlement neighborhood of Pisgat Zeev, and another 900 in a second settlement neighborhood, Har Homa.


The committee hearing took place just hours before Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was due to fly to Washington, where he is to meet U.S. President Barack Obama in the White House Friday and make a keynote address to both houses of Congress next week.


Israeli lobby group Peace Now deplored the timing and content of the Interior Ministry’s decision.



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Cool how much are the houses?


Without US support they'll be worth sod all and US support is getting less clear as the Arab spring changes the political landscape.

That means oil and America's need for it will control foreign policy towards Israel.

Now, if the Arabs are clever, they'll force the terrorist state of Israel back with a shot being fired.

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Obama has called for the 1967 borders to be re-established.


oh no he hasn't.


Obama hasn't said that at all, only that final status will be 'based' on the 1967 lines, which were are not any kind of 'border' at all anyway as Obama well knows. They're just the armistice lines where the fighting stopped in 1948. UNSCR 242 recognised by the PLO, Egypt and Jordan stipulates that final status talks will determine where any future border will be.

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Without US support they'll be worth sod all and US support is getting less clear as the Arab spring changes the political landscape.

That means oil and America's need for it will control foreign policy towards Israel.

Now, if the Arabs are clever, they'll force the terrorist state of Israel back with a shot being fired.


i think you'll find..these houses are worth the earth to those occupying them..think its called looking after your own...we should try it in this country..and stop wasting good money in overseas aid...love them or hate them the israelies put their people first...anyway building new houses creates jobs..we should try it..

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i think you'll find..these houses are worth the earth to those occupying them..think its called looking after your own...we should try it in this country..and stop wasting good money in overseas aid...love them or hate them the israelies put their people first...anyway building new houses creates jobs..we should try it..


bloody nora EB, well done on using this teuous link into a bigoted rant. I didn't think a political discussion about houses in Jerusalem could be twisted into "annoying immigrants or aid to other country" vitriol ravings.

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bloody nora EB, well done on using this teuous link into a bigoted rant. I didn't think a political discussion about houses in Jerusalem could be twisted into "annoying immigrants or aid to other country" vitriol ravings.


no you will find that most immigrants contribute to this country...i just feel we should spend more money on the home front...and what we have spare can be distributed overseas...everyone seems to be complaining that this country is skint...

the israelies are only doing what we want done in this country...build more council houses...

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i think you'll find..these houses are worth the earth to those occupying them..think its called looking after your own...we should try it in this country..and stop wasting good money in overseas aid...love them or hate them the israelies put their people first...anyway building new houses creates jobs..we should try it..


They may be but there is a real possibility of a major war. A pile of rubble isn't worth a flying crap. Of course the comment about the houses was made by an idiot racist with his own agenda.

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no you will find that most immigrants contribute to this country...i just feel we should spend more money on the home front...and what we have spare can be distributed overseas...everyone seems to be complaining that this country is skint...

the israelies are only doing what we want done in this country...build more council houses...


I stand corrected there. I seem to be apologising a lot lately, very weird. I really thought you were heading down the immigrant bashing route. Aid to other countries is surely what marks us out as a caring and advanced nation? I am proud of the contribution this country makes but I see your point about fixing up where you live before you start repairing the neighbours fence.

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